
elasticluster is a Python program; Python version 2.6 is required to run it.

The easiest way to install elasticluster is using pip, this will install the latest stable release from the PyPI website. The following section: Installing from PyPI will explain you how to do it.

If you instead want to test the development version, go to the Installing from github section.

Installing from PyPI

It’s quite easy to install elasticluster using pip; the command below is all you need to install elasticluster on your system:

pip install elasticluster

If you want to run elasticluster from source you have to install Ansible first:

pip install ansible
python install

Installing from github

The source code of elasticluster is github, if you want to test the latest development version you can clone the github elasticluster repository.

You need the git command in order to be able to clone it, and we suggest you to use python virtualenv in order to create a controlled environment in which you can install elasticluster as normal user.

Assuming you already have virtualenv installed on your machine, you first need to create a virtualenv and install ansible, which is needed by elasticluster:

virtualenv elasticluster
. elasticluster/bin/activate
pip install ansible

Then you have to download the software. We suggest you to download it within the created virtualenv:

cd elasticluster
git clone git:// src
cd src
git submodule init
git submodule update
python install

Now the elasticluster should be available in your current environment.

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