Source code for elasticluster.conf

#! /usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2013-2016, 2018, 2019, University of Zurich.
# Copyright (C) 2020 ETH Zurich.
# Copyright (C) 2022 Google LLC.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
Turn ElastiCluster configuration into internal data structures.

Digesting configuration files into data structures ready to be processed by the
rest of ElastiCluster happens in three stages:

1. Read configuration files and create a (nested) key/value store of all the
   configuration items.

2. Arrange the configuration items into sets of properties that are needed to
   create ElastiCluster objects (clusters, cloud providers, etc.) -- the
   outcome of this phase would be a set of dictionaries that can be fed as
   `**kwargs` to class constructors.

3. Instanciate the actual working objects.

from __future__ import (print_function, division, absolute_import)

# compatibility imports
from future import standard_library

# stdlib imports
from builtins import zip
from builtins import object
from collections import defaultdict
from importlib import import_module
import os
from os.path import expanduser, expandvars
import re
import sys
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from warnings import warn

if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
    from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
    def make_config_parser():
        return SafeConfigParser()
    # `SafeConfigParser` was deprecated in Py3 in favor of `ConfigParser`
    from configparser import ConfigParser
    def make_config_parser():
        return ConfigParser(strict=False)

# 3rd-party modules
from pkg_resources import resource_filename

from schema import Schema, SchemaError, Optional, Or, Regex

# ElastiCluster imports
from elasticluster import log
from elasticluster.exceptions import ConfigurationError
from elasticluster.providers.ansible_provider import AnsibleSetupProvider
from elasticluster.cluster import Cluster, NodeNamingPolicy
from elasticluster.repository import MultiDiskRepository
from elasticluster.utils import environment
from elasticluster.validate import (

## defaults and built-in config

    # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace,bad-continuation

    # section   from key          to key          verbose?  supported until...
    ('cluster', 'setup_provider', 'setup',        True,     '2.0'),
    ('cloud',   'tenant_name',    'project_name', True,     '2.0'),
    # working on issue #279 uncovered a conflict between code and
    # docs: the documentation referred to config keys
    # `<class>_min_nodes` but the code actually looked for
    # `<class>_nodes_min`.  Keep this last version as it makes the
    # code simpler, but alert users of the change...
    ('cluster', re.compile(r'([0-9a-z_-]+)_min_nodes'),
                                  r'\1_nodes_min', True,    '2.0'),
    ('setup',   'ssh_pipelining', 'ansible_ssh_pipelining',
                                                   True,    '1.4'),

    'cloud': {
        'provider': Or('azure', 'ec2_boto', 'google', 'opennebula', 'openstack', 'libcloud'),
        # allow other keys w/out restrictions; each cloud provider has its own
        # set of keys, which are handled separately
        Optional(str): str,
    'cluster': {
        'cloud': str,
        'setup': str,
        'login': str,
        'nodes': {
            str: {
                'flavor': nonempty_str,
                'image_id': nonempty_str,
                Optional('image_userdata', default=''): str,
                Optional('security_group', default='default'): str,  ## FIXME: alphanumeric?
                Optional('network_ids'): str,
                # these are auto-generated but already there by the time
                # validation is run
                'login': nonempty_str,
                'num': positive_int,
                'min_num': nonnegative_int,
                # only on Azure
                Optional("storage_account_type", default='Standard_LRS'): Or('Standard_LRS', 'Premium_LRS', 'StandardSSD_LRS', 'UltraSSD_LRS'),
                # only on Google Cloud
                Optional("accelerator_count", default=0): nonnegative_int,
                Optional("accelerator_type"): nonempty_str,
                Optional("local_ssd_count", default=0): nonnegative_int,
                Optional("local_ssd_interface", default='SCSI'): Or('NVME', 'SCSI'),
                Optional("min_cpu_platform"): nonempty_str,
                # only on OpenStack
                Optional('floating_network_id'): str,
                Optional("request_floating_ip"): boolean,
                # allow other string keys w/out restrictions
                Optional(str): str,
        Optional("ssh_probe_timeout", default=5): positive_int,
        Optional("ssh_proxy_command", default=''): str,
        Optional("start_timeout", default=600): positive_int,
        # only on Azure
        Optional("storage_account_type", default='Standard_LRS'): Or('Standard_LRS', 'Premium_LRS', 'StandardSSD_LRS', 'UltraSSD_LRS'),
        # only on Google Cloud
        Optional("accelerator_count", default=0): nonnegative_int,
        Optional("accelerator_type"): nonempty_str,
        Optional("allow_project_ssh_keys", default=True): boolean,
        Optional("local_ssd_count", default=0): nonnegative_int,
        Optional("local_ssd_interface", default='SCSI'): Or('NVME', 'SCSI'),
        Optional("min_cpu_platform"): nonempty_str,
        # only on OpenStack
        Optional('floating_network_id'): str,
        Optional("request_floating_ip"): boolean,
        # allow other string keys w/out restrictions
        Optional(str): str,
    'login': {
        'image_user': nonempty_str,
        Optional('image_sudo', default=True): boolean,
        Optional('image_user_sudo', default="root"): nonempty_str,
        Optional('image_userdata', default=''): str,
        'user_key_name': str,  # FIXME: are there restrictions? (e.g., alphanumeric)
        'user_key_private': readable_file,
        'user_key_public': readable_file,
    'setup': {
        Optional('provider', default='ansible'): str,
                     resource_filename('elasticluster', 'share/playbooks'),
                     'main.yml')): readable_file,
        Optional("ansible_command"): executable_file,
        Optional("ansible_extra_args"): str,
        Optional("safe_but_slower", default=False): boolean,
        # allow other keys w/out restrictions
        str: str,
    'storage': {
        Optional('storage_path', default=os.path.expanduser("~/.elasticluster/storage")): str,
        Optional('storage_type'): Or('yaml', 'json', 'pickle'),

    'azure': {
        "provider": 'azure',
        Optional("subscription_id", default=os.getenv('AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID', '')): nonempty_str,
        Optional("tenant_id", default=os.getenv('AZURE_TENANT_ID', '')): nonempty_str,
        Optional("client_id", default=os.getenv('AZURE_CLIENT_ID', '')): nonempty_str,
        Optional("secret", default=os.getenv('AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET', '')): nonempty_str,
        Optional("location", default="westus"): nonempty_str,
        Optional("vm_deployment_template", default=None): existing_file,
        Optional("net_deployment_template", default=None): existing_file,
        Optional("certificate"): alert(
            "The `certificate` setting is no longer valid"
            " in the Azure configuration."
            " Please remove it from your configuration file."),
        Optional("wait_timeout"): alert(
            "The `wait_timeout` setting is no longer valid"
            " in the Azure configuration."
            " Please remove it from your configuration file."),

    'ec2_boto': {
        "provider": 'ec2_boto',
        "ec2_url": url,
        Optional("ec2_access_key", default=os.getenv('EC2_ACCESS_KEY', '')): nonempty_str,
        Optional("ec2_secret_key", default=os.getenv('EC2_SECRET_KEY', '')): nonempty_str,
        "ec2_region": nonempty_str,
        Optional("request_floating_ip", default=False): boolean,
        Optional("vpc"): nonempty_str,
        Optional("price", default=0): nonnegative_int,
        Optional("timeout", default=0): nonnegative_int,
        Optional("instance_profile"): nonempty_str,

    'google': {
        "provider": 'google',
        "gce_project_id": nonempty_str,
        Optional("gce_client_id"): nonempty_str,
        Optional("gce_client_secret"): nonempty_str,
        Optional("network", default="default"): nonempty_str,
        Optional("noauth_local_webserver"): boolean,
        Optional("zone", default="us-central1-a"): nonempty_str,

    'opennebula': {
        "provider": 'opennebula',
        Optional("endpoint", default=os.getenv('ONE_URL', 'http://localhost:2633/RPC2')): url,
        Optional("username", default=os.getenv('ONE_USERNAME', '')): nonempty_str,
        Optional("password", default=os.getenv('ONE_PASSWORD', '')): nonempty_str,

    'openstack': {
        "provider": 'openstack',
        Optional("auth_url"): url,
        Optional("cacert"): existing_file,
        Optional("username"): nonempty_str,
        Optional("password"): nonempty_str,
        Optional("user_domain_name"): nonempty_str,
        Optional("project_domain_name"): nonempty_str,
        Optional("project_name"): nonempty_str,
        Optional("request_floating_ip"): boolean,  ## DEPRECATED, place in cluster or node config
        Optional("region_name"): nonempty_str,
        Optional("availability_zone"): nonempty_str,
        Optional("compute_api_version"): Or('1.1', '2'),
        Optional("image_api_version"): Or('1', '2'),
        Optional("network_api_version"): Or('2.0'),
        Optional("volume_api_version"): Or('3'),  # v2 and older are deprecated and python-cinderclient will error out
        Optional("identity_api_version"): Or('3', '2'),  # no default, can auto-detect
        Optional("use_anti_affinity_groups"): boolean,
        Optional("nova_api_version"): nova_api_version,  ## DEPRECATED, use `compute_api_version` instead
        Optional("build_timeout", default=30): nonnegative_int,

    'libcloud': {
        "provider": 'libcloud',
        'driver_name': nonempty_str,
        Optional(str): str,

    # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace
    'ec2_boto':  ('elasticluster.providers.ec2_boto',       'BotoCloudProvider'),
    'opennebula':('elasticluster.providers.opennebula',     'OpenNebulaCloudProvider'),
    'openstack': ('elasticluster.providers.openstack',      'OpenStackCloudProvider'),
    'google':    ('elasticluster.providers.gce',            'GoogleCloudProvider'),
    'azure':     ('elasticluster.providers.azure_provider', 'AzureCloudProvider'),
    'libcloud': ('elasticluster.providers.libcloud_provider', 'LibCloudProvider'),

    # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace
    "ansible": ('elasticluster.providers.ansible_provider', 'AnsibleSetupProvider'),

def _get_provider(name, provider_map):
    Return the constructor for provider `name` in mapping `provider_map`.

    Second argument `provider_map` is a Python mapping that translates a
    provider kind name (e.g., ``ec2``) into a pair *(module, class)*;
    `_get_provider` will attempt to import the named module (using Python's
    standard import mechanisms) and return the `class` attribute from that

    :raise KeyError: If the given `name` is not a valid key in `provider_map`
    :raise ImportError: If the module corresponding to `name`
      in `provider_map` cannot be loaded.
    :raise AttributeError: If the class name corresponding to `name`
      in `provider_map` does not exist in the module.
    modname, clsname = provider_map[name]
    mod = import_module(modname)
    cls = getattr(mod, clsname)
    log.debug("Using class %r from module %r to instanciate provider '%s'",
              cls, mod, name)
    return cls

def _make_defaults_dict():
    Return mapping from names to be used in `%()s` expansion.
    env = {}
    # default location of Ansible playbooks; make it also available as
    # `%(elasticluster_playbooks)` so one can write `%(elasticluster_playbooks)s/main.yml`
    env['ansible_pb_dir'] = env['elasticluster_playbooks'] \
                             = resource_filename('elasticluster', 'share/playbooks')
    return env

## public API entry point

[docs]def make_creator(configfiles, storage_path=None): """ Return a `Creator` instance initialized from given configuration files. :param list configfiles: list of paths to the INI-style file(s). For each path ``P`` in `configfiles`, if a directory named ``P.d`` exists, also reads all the `*.conf` files in that directory. :param str storage_path: path to the storage directory. If defined, a :py:class:`repository.DiskRepository` class will be instantiated. :return: :py:class:`Creator` """ try: # only strings have the `.swapcase()` method; lists and tuples don't configfiles.swapcase # pylint: disable=pointless-statement configfiles = [configfiles] except AttributeError: # `configfiles` is list or tuple pass # also look for ``path.d/*.conf`` files configfiles = _expand_config_file_list(configfiles) if not configfiles: raise ValueError('Empty list of config files') config = load_config_files(configfiles) return Creator(config, storage_path=storage_path)
def _expand_config_file_list(paths, ignore_nonexistent=True, expand_user_dir=True, expand_env_vars=False): """ Return list of (existing) configuration files. The list of configuration file is built in the following way: - any path pointing to an existing file is included in the result; - for any path ``P``, if directory ``P.d`` exists, any file contained in it and named ``*.conf`` is included in the result; - if argument `ignore_nonexistent` is ``True`` (default), then non-existing paths are silently ignored and omitted from the returned result. Else, if `ignore_nonexistent` is ``False``, a `ValueError` exception is raised. If keyword arguments `expand_user_dir` and `expand_env_vars` are ``True`` (default), then each path is expanded with `os.path.expanduser` (resp. `os.path.expandvars`). """ configfiles = set() for path in paths: if expand_user_dir: path = os.path.expanduser(path) if expand_env_vars: path = os.path.expandvars(path) if os.path.isfile(path): configfiles.add(path) elif not ignore_nonexistent: raise ValueError( "Configuration file `{0}` does not exist" .format(path)) path_d = path + '.d' if os.path.isdir(path_d): for entry in os.listdir(path_d): if entry.endswith('.conf'): cfgfile = os.path.join(path_d, entry) if cfgfile not in configfiles: configfiles.add(cfgfile) return list(configfiles) ## loading and parsing # validation regexps _CLUSTER_NAME_RE = re.compile('^[a-z0-9+_-]+$', re.I)
[docs]def load_config_files(paths): """ Read configuration file(s) and return corresponding data structure. :param paths: list of file names to load. """ # I wish there were a "pipelinine" operator in Python, so I could rewrite # this as `paths *into* raw_config *into* _arrange_config_tree ...` raw_config = _read_config_files(paths) tree_config1 = _arrange_config_tree(raw_config) tree_config2 = _perform_key_renames(tree_config1) complete_config = _build_node_section(tree_config2) object_tree = _validate_and_convert(complete_config) deref_config = _dereference_config_tree(object_tree) final_config = _cross_validate_final_config(deref_config) return final_config
def _read_config_files(paths): """ Read configuration data from INI-style file(s). Data loaded from the given files is aggregated into a nested 2-level Python mapping, where 1st-level keys are config section names (as read from the files), and corresponding items are again key/value mappings (configuration item name and value). :param paths: list of filesystem paths of files to read """ # read given config files configparser = make_config_parser() # Preventing automatic lowercase of config keys # see: configparser.optionxform = str # temporarily modify environment to allow both `${...}` and `%(...)s` # variable substitution in config values defaults = _make_defaults_dict() config = {} with environment(**defaults): for section in configparser.sections(): config[section] = {} for key in configparser.options(section): # `configparser.get()` performs the `%(...)s` substitutions value = configparser.get(section, key, vars=defaults) # `expandvars()` performs the `${...}` substitutions config[section][key] = expandvars(value) return config def _arrange_config_tree(raw_config): """ Group configuration data by section type. Given the 'raw configuration data' (as returned by `_read_config_files`:func:), create and return a nested mapping: * 1st-level keys are strings naming section types (i.e., ``'cluster'``, ``'cloud'``, ``'login'``, ``'setup'``); * 2nd-level keys are then the names given to such sections. For example, the contents of section ``[login/ubuntu]`` would be accessible from the return value ``C`` as ``C['login']['ubuntu']``. As an exception, subsections of a named cluster (e.g., ``[cluster/gridengine/qmaster]``) will be inserted as items in the ``'nodes'`` key of the named cluster. For example, key/value pairs read from section ``[cluster/gridengine/qmaster]`` will be accessible as ``C['cluster']['gridengine']['nodes']['qmaster']``. """ tree = {} for sect_name, sect_items in raw_config.items(): # skip empty sections if not sect_items: continue path = sect_name.split('/') # translate `cluster/foo/bar` -> `cluster/foo/__nodes__/bar` if path[0] == 'cluster' and len(path) > 2: path.insert(2, 'nodes') _update_nested_item(tree, path, sect_items) return tree def _update_nested_item(D, path, items): """ Walk nested mapping `D` and update the last key in `path`. For example:: >>> D = {'b': {'a': {}}} >>> updated = _update_nested_item(D, ['b', 'a'], {'x':1, 'y':2}) >>> D['b']['a'] == {'x':1, 'y':2} True The 'update' operation leaves key/value pairs which are not in `items` unchanged:: >>> D = {'b': {'a': {'z': 3}}} >>> updated = _update_nested_item(D, ['b', 'a'], {'x':1, 'y':2}) >>> D['b']['a'] == {'x':1, 'y':2, 'z':3} True In fact, `_update_nested_item` can also be used in the 'degenerate' cases where `path` is 1 or 0 elements long, in which case it becomes essentially a more verbose syntax for `dict.update`:: >>> D = {'a': {}} >>> updated = _update_nested_item(D, ['a'], {'x':1, 'y':2}) >>> D['a'] == {'x':1, 'y':2} True >>> D = {'z': 3} >>> updated = _update_nested_item(D, [], {'x':1, 'y':2}) >>> D == {'x':1, 'y':2, 'z':3} True Note that the nested dictionaries corresponding to the specified `path` will be created if they do not already exist:: >>> D = {} >>> updated = _update_nested_item(D, ['b', 'a'], {'x':1, 'y':2}) >>> D == {'b': {'a': {'x':1, 'y':2}}} True """ target = D while path: key = path.pop(0) if key not in target: target[key] = {} target = target[key] target.update(items) return target # pylint: disable=dangerous-default-value def _perform_key_renames(tree, changes=KEY_RENAMES): """ Change a configuration "tree" in-place, renaming legacy keys to new names. This function chiefly supports two distinct uses: - allow old/legacy option names configuration files, but still warn users of the new/updated name; - allow alternate options names to be used in the configuration file but normalize them to a "canonical" spelling before the code sees them. Second argument `changes` is a list of items. Each item is a tuple describing a single key rename: - 1st field names the section type (e.g., ``cluster``) where the key renames are going to happen; - 2nd field is the old/legacy key name (can be a regular expression); - 3rd field is the new/updated key name (or the substitution pattern if 2nd field is a regexp); - 4th field is a boolean flag: if ``True``, a warning will be emitted telling users that the configuration option has been renamed; make this ``False`` to just allow option key synonyms; - 5th field is the ElastiCluster release until which the automatic rename will be supported (only relevant if 4th field "verbose" is ``True``). """ for section, from_key, to_key, verbose, supported in changes: if section not in tree: # XXX: should this be a configuration error instead? log.warning( "No section `%s` found in configuration!" " This will almost certainly end up causing an error later on.", section) continue for stanza, pairs in tree[section].items(): # ensure we work on a copy of the keys collection, # so we can mutate the tree down below for key in list(pairs.keys()): substitute = False try: # try regexp match match = from_key.match(key) if match: to_key = from_key.sub(key, to_key) substitute = True except AttributeError: # plain old string match substitute = (key == from_key) if substitute: tree[section][stanza][to_key] = tree[section][stanza][from_key] del tree[section][stanza][from_key] if verbose: warn("Configuration key `{from_key}`" " in section `{section}/{stanza}`" " should be renamed to `{to_key}`" " -- please update configuration file(s)." " Support for automatic renaming will be" " removed in {version} of ElastiCluster." .format( from_key=from_key, to_key=to_key, section=section, stanza=stanza, version=(("release {0}".format(supported)) if supported else "a future release"))) return tree def _dereference_config_tree(tree, evict_on_error=True): # FIXME: Should allow *three* distinct behaviors on error? # - "evict on error": remove the offending section and continue # - "raise exception": raise a ConfigurationError at the first error # - "just report": log errors but try to return all that makes sense """ Modify `tree` in-place replacing cross-references by section name with the actual section content. For example, if a cluster section lists a key/value pair ``'login': 'ubuntu'``, this will be replaced with ``'login': { ... }``. """ to_evict = [] for cluster_name, cluster_conf in tree['cluster'].items(): for key in ['cloud', 'login', 'setup']: try: refname = cluster_conf[key] except KeyError: log.error( "Configuration section `cluster/%s`" " is missing a `%s=` section reference." " %s", cluster_name, key, ("Dropping cluster definition." if evict_on_error else "")) if evict_on_error: to_evict.append(cluster_name) break else: # cannot continue raise ConfigurationError( "Invalid cluster definition `cluster/{0}:" " missing `{1}=` configuration key" .format(cluster_name, key)) try: # dereference cluster_conf[key] = tree[key][refname] except KeyError: log.error( "Configuration section `cluster/%s`" " references non-existing %s section `%s`." " %s", cluster_name, key, refname, ("Dropping cluster definition." if evict_on_error else "")) if evict_on_error: to_evict.append(cluster_name) break for cluster_name in to_evict: del tree['cluster'][cluster_name] return tree def _build_node_section(tree): """ Create or update nested mapping `nodes` into each cluster config. Keys in the `nodes` mapping are node kind names (i.e., the first segment of `*_nodes` configuration options), and corresponding values are configuration key/value pairs that apply to nodes of that kind. See also function `_gather_node_kind_info`:func: for more details on how the kind-level configuration is built. """ for cluster_name, cluster_conf in tree['cluster'].items(): node_kind_config = dict((key, value) for key, value in cluster_conf.items() if key.endswith('_nodes')) if 'nodes' not in cluster_conf: cluster_conf['nodes'] = {} for key in node_kind_config.keys(): kind_name = key[:-len('_nodes')] # nodes can inherit the properties of cluster or overwrite them kind_values = _gather_node_kind_info(kind_name, cluster_name, cluster_conf) cluster_conf['nodes'][kind_name] = kind_values return tree def _gather_node_kind_info(kind_name, cluster_name, cluster_conf): """ Collect key/value configuration for nodes of a given kind. Return a mapping of key/value configuration options; the mapping is constructed by layering key/value pairs from two sources: 1. Cluster-level options; 2. Kind-specific attributes, as set in the ``[cluster/name/kind]`` sections. Options from the latter override options set in the former. """ # copy cluster-level config kind_values = {} for attr in ( 'flavor', 'image_id', #'image_user', ## from `login/*` 'image_userdata', 'login', 'network_ids', 'security_group', 'node_name', 'ssh_proxy_command', # Azure only 'storage_account_type', # Google Cloud only 'accelerator_count', 'accelerator_type', 'allow_project_ssh_keys', 'boot_disk_size', 'boot_disk_type', 'min_cpu_platform', 'scheduling', 'tags', # OpenStack only 'floating_network_id', 'request_floating_ip', #'user_key_name', ## from `login/*` #'user_key_private', ## from `login/*` #'user_key_public', ## from `login/*` ): if attr in cluster_conf: kind_values[attr] = cluster_conf[attr] # override with node-specific attrs (if given) if kind_name in cluster_conf['nodes']: for key, value in cluster_conf['nodes'][kind_name].items(): kind_values[key] = value kind_values['num'], kind_values['min_num'] = \ _compute_desired_and_minimum_number_of_nodes(kind_name, cluster_name, cluster_conf) return kind_values # pylint: disable=invalid-name def _compute_desired_and_minimum_number_of_nodes(kind_name, cluster_name, cluster_conf): """ Compute desired and minimum number of nodes of the given kind. """ num = int(cluster_conf[kind_name + '_nodes']) if (kind_name + '_nodes_min') not in cluster_conf: min_num = num else: min_num = int(cluster_conf[kind_name + '_nodes_min']) if min_num > num: raise ValueError( " In cluster `{cluster_name}`:" " Minimum number of '{kind}' nodes ({min_num})" " is larger then the number" " of '{kind}' nodes to start ({num})" .format( cluster_name=cluster_name, kind=kind_name, min_num=min_num, num=num )) return num, min_num ## validation and conversion def _validate_and_convert(cfgtree, evict_on_error=True): objtree = {} for section, model in SCHEMA.items(): if section not in cfgtree: continue stanzas = cfgtree[section] objtree[section] = {} for name, properties in stanzas.items(): log.debug("Checking section `%s/%s` ...", section, name) try: objtree[section][name] = Schema(model).validate(properties) # further checks for cloud providers if section == 'cloud': objtree[section][name] = _validate_cloud_section(objtree[section][name]) # check node name pattern in clusters conforms to RFC952 if section == 'cluster': _validate_node_group_names(objtree[section][name]) except (SchemaError, ValueError) as err: log.error("In section `%s/%s`: %s", section, name, err) if evict_on_error: log.error( "Dropping configuration section `%s/%s`" " because of the above errors", section, name) # `objtree[section][name]` exists if the except was raised # by the second validation (line 650) if name in objtree[section]: del objtree[section][name] return objtree def _validate_cloud_section(cloud_section): """ Run provider-specific schema validation. """ provider = cloud_section['provider'] return Schema( CLOUD_PROVIDER_SCHEMAS[provider]).validate(cloud_section) def _validate_node_group_names(cluster_section): """ Check that node group names conform to RFC 952. """ for nodename in cluster_section['nodes']: hostname(nodename) ## raises ValueError if not conformant return cluster_section def _cross_validate_final_config(objtree, evict_on_error=True): """ Run validation checks that require correlating values from different sections. """ # take a copy of cluster config as we might be modifying it for name, cluster in list(objtree['cluster'].items()): valid = True # ensure all cluster node kinds are defined in the `setup/*` section setup_sect = cluster['setup'] for groupname, properties in cluster['nodes'].items(): if (groupname + '_groups') not in setup_sect: log.error("Cluster `%s` requires nodes of kind `%s`," " but no such group is defined" " in the referenced setup section.", name, groupname) valid = False break # ensure `ssh_to` has a valid value if 'ssh_to' in cluster: ssh_to = cluster['ssh_to'] try: # extract node kind if this is a node name (e.g., `master001` => `master`) parts = NodeNamingPolicy.parse(ssh_to) ssh_to = parts['kind'] except ValueError: pass if ssh_to not in cluster['nodes']: log.error("Cluster `%s` is configured to SSH into nodes of kind `%s`," " but no such kind is defined.", name, ssh_to) valid = False # EC2-specific checks if cluster['cloud']['provider'] == 'ec2_boto': cluster_uses_vpc = ('vpc' in cluster['cloud']) for groupname, properties in cluster['nodes'].items(): if cluster_uses_vpc and 'network_ids' not in properties: log.error( "Node group `%s/%s` is being used in a VPC," " so it must specify ``network_ids``.", cluster, groupname) if evict_on_error: valid = False break if not cluster_uses_vpc and 'network_ids' in properties: log.error( "Cluster `%s` must specify a VPC" " to place `%s` instances in network `%s`", cluster, groupname, properties['network_ids']) if evict_on_error: valid = False break if not valid: log.error("Dropping cluster `%s` because of the above errors", name) del objtree['cluster'][name] return objtree ## general factory
[docs]class Creator(object): """ The `Creator` class is responsible for: 1. keeping track of the configuration, and 2. offering factory methods to create all kind of objects that need information from the configuration, and 3. loading a cluster from a valid `repository.AbstractClusterRepository`. First argument cluster configuration is a nested Python mapping structured in the following way:: 'cluster': { ## this must be literally `cluster` { "<cluster_template>" : { "setup" : { properties of the setup section }, "cloud" : { properties of the cloud section }, "login" : { properties of the login section }, "cluster" : { properties of the cluster section }, "nodes": { "<node_kind>" : { properties of the node}, "<node_kind>" : { properties of the node}, }, }, "<cluster_template>" : { (see above) } } } The actual "property" parameters follow the names and types described in the `Configuration` section of the manual. This is indeed nothing more than a dereferenced un-dump of the configuration file; use `load_config_files`:func: to load a set of configuration files into a data structure like the above. :param dict cluster_conf: see description above :param str storage_path: path to store data :raises MultipleInvalid: configuration validation """ DEFAULT_STORAGE_PATH = os.path.expanduser("~/.elasticluster/storage") DEFAULT_STORAGE_TYPE = 'yaml' def __init__(self, conf, storage_path=None, storage_type=None): self.cluster_conf = conf['cluster'] self.storage_path = ( os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(storage_path)) if storage_path else self.DEFAULT_STORAGE_PATH) self.storage_type = storage_type or self.DEFAULT_STORAGE_TYPE
[docs] def load_cluster(self, cluster_name): """ Load a cluster from the configured repository. :param str cluster_name: name of the cluster :return: :py:class:`elasticluster.cluster.cluster` instance """ repository = self.create_repository() cluster = repository.get(cluster_name) cluster._setup_provider = self.create_setup_provider(cluster.template) cluster.cloud_provider = self.create_cloud_provider(cluster.template) cluster.update_config(self.cluster_conf[cluster.template]) return cluster
[docs] def create_cloud_provider(self, cluster_template): """ Return cloud provider instance for the given cluster template. :param str cluster_template: name of cluster template to use :return: cloud provider instance that fulfills the contract of :py:class:`elasticluster.providers.AbstractCloudProvider` """ try: conf_template = self.cluster_conf[cluster_template] except KeyError: raise ConfigurationError( "No cluster template `{0}` found in configuration file" .format(cluster_template)) try: cloud_conf = conf_template['cloud'] except KeyError: # this should have been caught during config validation! raise ConfigurationError( "No cloud section for cluster template `{0}`" " found in configuration file" .format(cluster_template)) try: provider = cloud_conf['provider'] except KeyError: # this should have been caught during config validation! raise ConfigurationError( "No `provider` configuration defined" " in cloud section `{0}`" " of cluster template `{1}`" .format( cloud_conf.get('name', '***'), cluster_template )) try: ctor = _get_provider(provider, CLOUD_PROVIDERS) except KeyError: # this should have been caught during config validation! raise ConfigurationError( "Unknown cloud provider `{0}` for cluster `{1}`" .format(provider, cluster_template)) except (ImportError, AttributeError) as err: raise RuntimeError( "Unable to load cloud provider `{0}`: {1}: {2}" .format(provider, err.__class__.__name__, err)) provider_conf = cloud_conf.copy() provider_conf.pop('provider') # use a single keyword args dictionary for instanciating # provider, so we can detect missing arguments in case of error provider_conf['storage_path'] = self.storage_path try: return ctor(**provider_conf) except TypeError: # check that required parameters are given, and try to # give a sensible error message if not; if we do not # do this, users only see a message like this:: # # ERROR Error: __init__() takes at least 5 arguments (4 given) # # which gives no clue about what to correct! import inspect args, varargs, keywords, defaults = inspect.getargspec(ctor.__init__) if defaults is not None: # `defaults` is a list of default values for the last N args defaulted = dict((argname, value) for argname, value in zip(reversed(args), reversed(defaults))) else: # no default values at all defaulted = {} for argname in args[1:]: # skip `self` if argname not in provider_conf and argname not in defaulted: raise ConfigurationError( "Missing required configuration parameter `{0}`" " in cloud section for cluster `{1}`" .format(argname, cluster_template))
[docs] def create_cluster(self, template, name=None, cloud=None, setup=None): """ Creates a ``Cluster``:class: instance by inspecting the configuration properties of the given cluster template. :param str template: name of the cluster template :param str name: name of the cluster. If not defined, the cluster will be named after the template. :param cloud: A `CloudProvider`:py:class: instance to use instead of the configured one. If ``None`` (default) then the configured cloud provider will be used. :param setup: A `SetupProvider`:py:class: instance to use instead of the configured one. If ``None`` (default) then the configured setup provider will be used. :return: :py:class:`elasticluster.cluster.Cluster` instance: :raises ConfigurationError: cluster template not found in config """ if template not in self.cluster_conf: raise ConfigurationError( "No cluster template configuration by the name `{template}`" .format(template=template)) conf = self.cluster_conf[template] extra = conf.copy() extra.pop('cloud') extra.pop('nodes') extra.pop('setup') extra['template'] = template if cloud is None: cloud = self.create_cloud_provider(template) if name is None: name = template if setup is None: setup = self.create_setup_provider(template, name=name) cluster = Cluster( name=(name or template), cloud_provider=cloud, setup_provider=setup, user_key_name=conf['login']['user_key_name'], user_key_public=conf['login']['user_key_public'], user_key_private=conf['login']["user_key_private"], repository=self.create_repository(), **extra) nodes = conf['nodes'] for group_name in nodes: group_conf = nodes[group_name] for varname in ['image_user', 'image_userdata']: group_conf.setdefault(varname, conf['login'][varname]) cluster.add_nodes(group_name, **group_conf) return cluster
[docs] def create_setup_provider(self, cluster_template, name=None): """Creates the setup provider for the given cluster template. :param str cluster_template: template of the cluster :param str name: name of the cluster to read configuration properties """ try: conf_template = self.cluster_conf[cluster_template] except KeyError as err: raise ConfigurationError( "No cluster template `{0}` found in configuration file" .format(cluster_template)) try: conf = conf_template['setup'] except KeyError as err: # this should have been caught during config validation! raise ConfigurationError( "No setup section for cluster template `{0}`" " found in configuration file" .format(cluster_template)) if name: conf['cluster_name'] = name conf_login = self.cluster_conf[cluster_template]['login'] provider_name = conf.get('provider', 'ansible') if provider_name not in SETUP_PROVIDERS: raise ConfigurationError( "Invalid value `%s` for `setup_provider` in configuration " "file." % provider_name) provider = _get_provider(provider_name, SETUP_PROVIDERS) storage_path = self.storage_path playbook_path = conf.pop('playbook_path', None) groups = self._read_node_groups(conf) environment_vars = {} for node_kind, grps in groups.items(): if not isinstance(grps, list): groups[node_kind] = [grps] # Environment variables parsing environment_vars[node_kind] = {} for key, value in (list(conf.items()) + list(self.cluster_conf[cluster_template].items())): # Set both group and global variables for prefix in [(node_kind + '_var_'), "global_var_"]: if key.startswith(prefix): var = key.replace(prefix, '') environment_vars[node_kind][var] = value log.debug("setting variable %s=%s for node kind %s", var, value, node_kind) return provider(groups, playbook_path=playbook_path, environment_vars=environment_vars, storage_path=storage_path, sudo=conf_login['image_sudo'], sudo_user=conf_login['image_user_sudo'], **conf)
def _read_node_groups(self, conf): """ Return mapping from node kind names to list of Ansible host group names. """ result = defaultdict(list) for key, value in conf.items(): if not key.endswith('_groups'): continue node_kind = key[:-len('_groups')] group_names = [group_name.strip() for group_name in value.split(',') if group_name.strip()] for group_name in group_names: # handle renames if group_name in self._RENAMED_NODE_GROUPS: old_group_name = group_name group_name, remove_at = self._RENAMED_NODE_GROUPS[group_name] warn( "Group `{0}` was renamed to `{1}`;" " please fix your configuration file." " Support for automatically renaming" " this group will be removed in {2}." .format(old_group_name, group_name, (("ElastiCluster {0}".format(remove_at)) if remove_at else ("a future version of ElastiCluster"))), DeprecationWarning) result[node_kind].append(group_name) return result _RENAMED_NODE_GROUPS = { # old name -> (new name will be removed in... 'condor_workers': ('condor_worker', '1.4'), 'gluster_client': ('glusterfs_client', '1.4'), 'gluster_data' : ('glusterfs_server', '1.4'), 'gridengine_clients': ('gridengine_worker', '2.0'), 'maui_master': ('torque_master', '2.0'), 'pbs_clients': ('torque_worker', '2.0'), 'pbs_master': ('torque_master', '2.0'), 'slurm_clients': ('slurm_worker', '2.0'), 'slurm_workers': ('slurm_worker', '1.4'), } def create_repository(self): return MultiDiskRepository(self.storage_path, self.storage_type)