Source code for elasticluster.providers.gce

# Copyright (C) 2013-2019 University of Zurich
# Copyright (C) 2021      Google LLC
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
Cloud provider for the Google Compute Engine.

See <> for reference.

__author__ = ', '.join([
    'Riccardo Murri <>',
    'Nicolas Baer <>',
    'Antonio Messina <>'

# stdlib imports
from builtins import range
    from import Sequence
except ImportError:
    from collections import Sequence  # Python 2.7
import copy
import os
import random
import threading
import time
import types
import uuid

# External modules
from apiclient.discovery import build
from apiclient.errors import HttpError
import googleapiclient
import httplib2
from oauth2client.file import Storage
from oauth2client.client import OAuth2WebServerFlow
from oauth2client.client import GoogleCredentials
from oauth2client.client import ApplicationDefaultCredentialsError
from import run_flow
from import argparser
import pkg_resources

# Elasticluster imports
from elasticluster import log
from elasticluster.providers import AbstractCloudProvider
from elasticluster.exceptions import InstanceError, InstanceNotFoundError, CloudProviderError, CredentialsError

# constants and defaults

#: the OAuth scope for the GCE web API
GCE_API_NAME = 'compute'
GCE_DEFAULT_ZONE = 'us-central1-a'

[docs]class GoogleCloudProvider(AbstractCloudProvider): """Cloud provider for the Google Compute Engine. :param str gce_client_id: Client ID to use in OAuth authentication. :param str gce_client_secret: Client secret (password) to use in OAuth authentication. :param str gce_project_id: Project name to log in to GCE. :param noauth_local_webserver: do not pop up a webserver for auth :param str zone: gce zone, default is `us-central1-a` :param str network: network to use, default is `default` :param str email: service email to use, default is `default` :param str storage_path: path to store authentication data (oauth.dat file). If no path is specified, the login data has to be entered after every request. """ __gce_lock = threading.Lock() def __init__(self, gce_project_id, gce_client_id='', gce_client_secret='', email=GCE_DEFAULT_SERVICE_EMAIL, network='default', noauth_local_webserver=False, zone=GCE_DEFAULT_ZONE, storage_path=None): self._client_id = gce_client_id self._client_secret = gce_client_secret self._project_id = gce_project_id self._email = email self._network = network self._noauth_local_webserver = noauth_local_webserver self._zone = zone self._storage_path = storage_path # will be initialized upon first connect self._gce = None self._auth_http = None self._instances = {} self._cached_instances = [] self._images = None
[docs] def to_vars_dict(self): """ Return local state which is relevant for the cluster setup process. """ return { 'gcloud_client_id': self._client_id, 'gcloud_client_secret': self._client_secret, 'gcloud_network': self._network, 'gcloud_project_id': self._project_id, 'gcloud_zone': self._zone, }
def _get_credentials(self): if self._client_id and self._client_secret: flow = OAuth2WebServerFlow(self._client_id, self._client_secret, GCE_SCOPE) # The `Storage` object holds the credentials that your # application needs to authorize access to the user's # data. The name of the credentials file is provided. If the # file does not exist, it is created. This object can only # hold credentials for a single user. It stores the access # priviledges for the application, so a user only has to grant # access through the web interface once. storage_path = os.path.join(self._storage_path, self._client_id + '.oauth.dat') storage = Storage(storage_path) credentials = storage.get() if credentials is not None and not credentials.invalid: return credentials else:"Determined that provided credentials are not valid.") try: # Next, check to see if there is a set of application # default credentials to use."Attempting to use Google Application Default Credentials.") return GoogleCredentials.get_application_default() except ApplicationDefaultCredentialsError:"Failed to use Google Application Default Credentials, falling back to config.") log.debug("(Original traceback follows.)", exc_info=True) try: # Finally, try to start a browser to have the user authenticate with Google args = argparser.parse_args([]) args.noauth_local_webserver = self._noauth_local_webserver return run_flow(flow, storage, flags=args) except Exception as err: log.error("Could not run authentication flow: %s", err) log.debug("(Original traceback follows.)", exc_info=True) raise CredentialsError("No method to obtain GCE credentials was successful! Either " "set up Application Default Credentials using gcloud, or " "provide a client id and client secret from an oauth flow, " "or go through the oauth flow that elasticluster runs.") def _connect(self): """Connects to the cloud web services. If this is the first authentication, a web browser will be started to authenticate against google and provide access to elasticluster. :return: A Resource object with methods for interacting with the service. """ # ensure only one thread runs the authentication process, if needed with GoogleCloudProvider.__gce_lock: # check for existing connection if not self._gce: version = pkg_resources.get_distribution("elasticluster").version http = googleapiclient.http.set_user_agent(httplib2.Http(), "elasticluster/%s" % version) credentials = self._get_credentials() self._auth_http = credentials.authorize(http) self._gce = build(GCE_API_NAME, GCE_API_VERSION, http=http) return self._gce def _execute_request(self, request): """Helper method to execute a request, since a lock should be used to not fire up multiple requests at the same time. :return: Result of `request.execute` """ with GoogleCloudProvider.__gce_lock: return request.execute(http=self._auth_http) # The following function was adapted from # # (function _blocking_call) def _wait_until_done(self, response, wait=30): """Blocks until the operation status is done for the given operation. :param response: The response object used in a previous GCE call. :param int wait: Wait up to this number of seconds in between successive polling of the GCE status. """ gce = self._connect() status = response['status'] while status != 'DONE' and response: # wait a random amount of time (up to `wait` seconds) if wait: time.sleep(1 + random.randrange(wait)) operation_id = response['name'] # Identify if this is a per-zone resource if 'zone' in response: zone_name = response['zone'].split('/')[-1] request = gce.zoneOperations().get( project=self._project_id, operation=operation_id, zone=zone_name) else: request = gce.globalOperations().get( project=self._project_id, operation=operation_id) response = self._execute_request(request) if response: status = response['status'] return response # This list can be regenerated or updated by running:: # # $ gcloud compute images list \ # | perl -e 'while(<STDIN>) { \ # chomp; \ # my ($name, $cloud, $ignore1, $ignore2) = split; \ # my @parts = split (/-/, $name); \ # print "$parts[0] $cloud\n"; \ # }' \ # | sort -u # IMAGE_NAME_SHORTCUTS = { # image prefix project name # ================= ================ 'backports-debian': 'debian-cloud', 'centos': 'centos-cloud', 'container-vm': 'google-containers', 'coreos': 'coreos-cloud', 'cos': 'cos-cloud', 'debian': 'debian-cloud', 'rhel': 'rhel-cloud', #'rhel': 'rhel-sap-cloud', 'sles': 'suse-cloud', #'sles': 'suse-sap-cloud', #'sql': 'windows-sql-cloud', 'ubuntu': 'ubuntu-os-cloud', #'windows': 'windows-cloud', } """ Map image names to projects, based on prefix. The image names and full resource URLs for several Google- provided images (debian, centos, etc.) follow a consistent pattern, and so ElastiCluster supports a short-hand of just an image name, such as:: "debian-7-wheezy-v20150526 The cloud project in this case is then ``debian-cloud``. """
[docs] def start_instance(self, # these are common to any # CloudProvider.start_instance() call key_name, public_key_path, private_key_path, security_group, flavor, image_id, image_userdata, cluster_name, username=None, # these params are specific to the # GoogleCloudProvider node_name=None, boot_disk_type='pd-standard', boot_disk_size=10, tags=None, scheduling=None, accelerator_count=0, accelerator_type='default', allow_project_ssh_keys=True, local_ssd_count=0, local_ssd_interface='SCSI', min_cpu_platform=None, **kwargs): """ Starts a new instance with the given properties and returns the instance id. :param str key_name: name of the ssh key to connect :param str public_key_path: path to ssh public key :param str private_key_path: path to ssh private key :param str security_group: firewall rule definition to apply on the instance :param str flavor: machine type to use for the instance :param str image_id: image type (os) to use for the instance :param str image_userdata: command to execute after startup :param str username: username for the given ssh key, default None :param str node_name: name of the instance :param str|Sequence tags: "Tags" to label the instance. Can be either a single string (individual tags are comma-separated), or a sequence of strings (each string being a single tag). :param str scheduling: scheduling option to use for the instance ("preemptible") :param int accelerator_count: Number of accelerators (e.g., GPUs) to make available in instance :param str accelerator_type: Type of accelerator to request. Can be one of: * Full URL specifying an accelerator type valid for the zone and project VMs are being created in. For example, ``[PROJECT_ID]/zones/[ZONE]/acceleratorTypes/[ACCELERATOR_TYPE]`` * An accelerator type name (any string which is not a valid URL). This is internally prefixed with the string ``[PROJECT_ID]/zones/[ZONE]/acceleratorTypes/`` to form a full URL. :param bool allow_project_ssh_keys: When ``True`` (default), SSH login is allowed to a node using any of the project-wide SSH keys (if they are defined). When ``False``, only the SSH key specified by ElastiCluster config's ``[login/*]`` section will be allowed to log in (instance-level key). :param int local_ssd_count: Number of local SSD disks (each 375GB size) to make available in instance :param int local_ssd_interface: Attachment interface for local SSD disks; either ``'SCSI'`` (default) or ``'NVME'``. :param str min_cpu_platform: require CPUs of this type or better (e.g., "Intel Skylake") Only used if ``accelerator_count`` is > 0. :return: str - instance id of the started instance """ # construct URLs project_url = '%s%s' % (GCE_URL, self._project_id) machine_type_url = '%s/zones/%s/machineTypes/%s' \ % (project_url, self._zone, flavor) boot_disk_type_url = '%s/zones/%s/diskTypes/%s' \ % (project_url, self._zone, boot_disk_type) # FIXME: `` should ensure that `boot_disk_size` has the right # type, so there would be no need to convert here boot_disk_size_gb = int(boot_disk_size) network_url = '%s/global/networks/%s' % (project_url, self._network) if image_id.startswith('http://') or image_id.startswith('https://'): image_url = image_id else: # allow image shortcuts (see docstring for IMAGE_NAME_SHORTCUTS) for prefix, os_cloud in self.IMAGE_NAME_SHORTCUTS.items(): if image_id.startswith(prefix + '-'): image_url = '%s%s/global/images/%s' % ( GCE_URL, os_cloud, image_id) break else: raise InstanceError( "Unknown image name shortcut '{0}'," " please use the full `https://...` self-link URL." .format(image_id)) scheduling_option = {} if scheduling == 'preemptible': scheduling_option['preemptible'] = True elif scheduling is not None: raise InstanceError("Unknown scheduling option: '%s'" % scheduling) if isinstance(tags, (str,)): tags = tags.split(',') elif isinstance(tags, Sequence): # ok, nothing to do pass elif tags is not None: raise TypeError( "The `tags` argument to `gce.start_instance`" " should be a string or a list, got {T} instead" .format(T=type(tags))) with open(public_key_path, 'r') as f: public_key_content = compute_metadata = [ { "key": "ssh-keys", "value": "%s:%s" % (username, public_key_content), }, { "key": "block-project-ssh-keys", "value": (not allow_project_ssh_keys), }, ] if image_userdata: compute_metadata.append({ "key": "startup-script", "value": image_userdata, }) # construct the request body if node_name: instance_id = node_name.lower().replace('_', '-') # GCE doesn't allow "_" else: instance_id = 'elasticluster-%s' % uuid.uuid4() instance = { 'name': instance_id, 'machineType': machine_type_url, 'tags': { 'items': tags, }, 'scheduling': scheduling_option, 'disks': [ { 'type': 'PERSISTENT', 'boot': 'true', 'initializeParams' : { 'diskName': "%s-disk" % instance_id, 'diskType': boot_disk_type_url, 'diskSizeGb': boot_disk_size_gb, 'sourceImage': image_url, }, 'autoDelete': 'true', }, ], 'networkInterfaces': [ {'accessConfigs': [ {'type': 'ONE_TO_ONE_NAT', 'name': 'External NAT' }], 'network': network_url }], 'serviceAccounts': [ {'email': self._email, 'scopes': GCE_DEFAULT_SCOPES }], "metadata": { "kind": "compute#metadata", "items": compute_metadata, } } if min_cpu_platform is not None: instance['minCpuPlatform'] = min_cpu_platform # add accelerators/GPUs if requested if accelerator_count > 0: if (accelerator_type.startswith('https://') or accelerator_type.startswith('http://')): # use URL as-is accelerator_type_url = accelerator_type else: accelerator_type_url = ( '{api_version}/' 'projects/{project_id}/zones/{zone}/' 'acceleratorTypes/{accelerator_type}' .format( api_version=GCE_API_VERSION, project_id=self._project_id, zone=self._zone, accelerator_type=accelerator_type )) log.debug( "VM instance `%s`:" " Requesting %d accelerator%s of type '%s'", instance_id, accelerator_count, ('s' if accelerator_count > 1 else ''), accelerator_type_url) instance['guestAccelerators'] = [ { 'acceleratorCount': accelerator_count, 'acceleratorType': accelerator_type_url, } ] # no live migration with GPUs, # see: instance['scheduling']['onHostMaintenance'] = 'TERMINATE' # add local SSDs if requested if local_ssd_count > 0: log.debug( "VM instance `%s`:" " Requesting %d local SSD%s with %s interface", instance_id, local_ssd_count, ('s' if local_ssd_count > 1 else ''), local_ssd_interface) for n in range(local_ssd_count): instance['disks'].append({ 'type': 'SCRATCH', 'initializeParams' : { #'diskName': ("local-ssd-%d" % n), 'diskType': ( '' '/projects/{project_id}' '/zones/{zone}' '/diskTypes/local-ssd' .format( project_id=self._project_id, zone=self._zone, ) ), }, 'interface': local_ssd_interface, 'autoDelete': 'true', }) # preemptible instances cannot be restarted automatically instance['scheduling']['automaticRestart'] = ( not instance['scheduling'].get('preemptible', False)) # create the instance gce = self._connect() request = gce.instances().insert( project=self._project_id, body=instance, zone=self._zone) try: response = self._execute_request(request) response = self._wait_until_done(response) self._check_response(response) return { 'instance_id': instance_id } except (HttpError, CloudProviderError) as e: log.error("Error creating instance `%s`" % e) raise InstanceError("Error creating instance `%s`" % e)
[docs] def pause_instance(self, instance_id): """Pauses the instance, retaining disk and config. :param str instance_id: instance identifier :raises: `InstanceError` if instance cannot be paused :return: dict - information needed to restart instance. """ if not instance_id:"Instance to pause has no instance id.") return gce = self._connect() try: request = gce.instances().stop(project=self._project_id, instance=instance_id, zone=self._zone) operation = self._execute_request(request) response = self._wait_until_done(operation) self._check_response(response) return {"instance_id": instance_id} except HttpError as e: log.error("Error stopping instance: `%s", e) raise InstanceError("Error stopping instance `%s`", e)
[docs] def resume_instance(self, paused_info): """Restarts a paused instance, retaining disk and config. :param str instance_id: instance identifier :raises: `InstanceError` if instance cannot be resumed. :return: dict - information needed to restart instance. """ if not paused_info.get("instance_id"):"Instance to stop has no instance id.") return gce = self._connect() try: request = gce.instances().start(project=self._project_id, instance=paused_info["instance_id"], zone=self._zone) operation = self._execute_request(request) response = self._wait_until_done(operation) self._check_response(response) return except HttpError as e: log.error("Error restarting instance: `%s", e) raise InstanceError("Error restarting instance `%s`", e)
[docs] def stop_instance(self, node): """ Destroy a VM. :param Node node: A `Node`:class: instance :raises: `InstanceError` if instance can not be stopped """ instance_id = node.instance_id if not instance_id:"Instance to stop has no instance id") return gce = self._connect() try: request = gce.instances().delete(project=self._project_id, instance=instance_id, zone=self._zone) response = self._execute_request(request) self._check_response(response) except HttpError as e: # If the instance does not exist, we get a 404 if e.resp.status == 404: raise InstanceNotFoundError( "Instance `{instance_id}` was not found" .format(instance_id=instance_id)) else: raise InstanceError( "Could not stop instance `{instance_id}`: `{e}`" .format(instance_id=instance_id, e=e)) except CloudProviderError as e: raise InstanceError( "Could not stop instance `{instance_id}`: `{e}`" .format(instance_id=instance_id, e=e))
[docs] def list_instances(self, filter=None): """List instances on GCE, optionally filtering the results. :param str filter: Filter specification; see for details. :return: list of instances """ gce = self._connect() try: request = gce.instances().list( project=self._project_id, filter=filter, zone=self._zone) response = self._execute_request(request) self._check_response(response) except (HttpError, CloudProviderError) as e: raise InstanceError("could not retrieve all instances on the " "cloud: ``" % e) if response and 'items' in response: return response['items'] else: return list()
[docs] def get_ips(self, instance_id): """Retrieves the ip addresses (public) from the cloud provider by the given instance id. :param str instance_id: id of the instance :return: list (ips) :raises: InstanceError if the ip could not be retrieved. """ if not instance_id: raise InstanceError("could not retrieve the ip address for node: " "no associated instance id") gce = self._connect() instances = gce.instances() try: request = instances.get(instance=instance_id, project=self._project_id, zone=self._zone) response = self._execute_request(request) ip_public = None # If the instance is in status TERMINATED, then there will be # no IP addresses. if response and response['status'] in ('STOPPING', 'TERMINATED'):"node '%s' state is '%s'; no IP address(es)" % (instance_id, response['status'])) return [None] if response and "networkInterfaces" in response: interfaces = response['networkInterfaces'] if interfaces: if "accessConfigs" in interfaces[0]: ip_public = interfaces[0]['accessConfigs'][0]['natIP'] if ip_public: return [ip_public] else: raise InstanceError("could not retrieve the ip address for " "node `%s`, please check the node " "through the cloud provider interface" % instance_id) except (HttpError, CloudProviderError) as e: raise InstanceError('could not retrieve the ip address of `%s`: ' '`%s`' % (instance_id, e))
[docs] def is_instance_running(self, instance_id): """Check whether the instance is up and running. :param str instance_id: instance identifier :reutrn: True if instance is running, False otherwise """ items = self.list_instances(filter=('name eq "%s"' % instance_id)) for item in items: if item['status'] == 'RUNNING': return True return False
def _check_response(self, response): """Checks the response from GCE for error messages. :param response: GCE response :return: nothing :raises: CloudProviderError with error message from GCE """ if "error" in response: error = response['error']['errors'][0]['message'] raise CloudProviderError("The following error occurred while " "interacting with the cloud provider " "`%s`" % error) def __getstate__(self): """ Overwrites the default dictionary for pickle. Only the gce connection is reset in this method in order to enforce a reconnect. """ pickle_dict = copy.deepcopy(self.__dict__) # the gce connection might be lost when unpickling, therefore we just # save an empty gce connection to mitigate the problems in the first # place. pickle_dict['_gce'] = None return pickle_dict