Source code for elasticluster.subcommands

#! /usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2013-2019  University of Zurich.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
from __future__ import print_function

# compatibility imports
from future.utils import with_metaclass

# stdlib imports
from builtins import range
from builtins import object
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from fnmatch import fnmatch
from zipfile import ZipFile
import json
import os
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
import re

# Elasticluster imports
from elasticluster import log
from elasticluster.conf import make_creator
from elasticluster.exceptions import ClusterNotFound, ConfigurationError, \
    ImageError, SecurityGroupError, NodeNotFound, ClusterError
from elasticluster.utils import (

__author__ = ', '.join([
    'Nicolas Baer <>',
    'Antonio Messina <>',
    'Riccardo Murri <>',

[docs]class AbstractCommand(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, object)): """ Defines the general contract every command has to fulfill in order to be recognized by the arguments list and executed afterwards. """ def __init__(self, params): """ A reference to the parameters of the command line will be passed here to adjust the functionality of the command properly. """ self.params = params
[docs] @abstractmethod def setup(self, subparsers): """ This method handles the setup of the subcommand. In order to do so, every command has to add a parser to the subparsers reference given as parameter. The following example is the minimum implementation of such a setup procedure: parser = subparsers.add_parser("start") parser.set_defaults(func=self.execute) """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def execute(self): """ This method is executed after a command was recognized and may vary in its behavior. """ pass
def __call__(self): return self.execute()
[docs] def pre_run(self): """ Overrides this method to execute any pre-run code, especially to check any command line options. """ pass
def cluster_summary(cluster): try: frontend = cluster.get_ssh_to_node().name except NodeNotFound as ex: frontend = 'unknown' log.error("Unable to get information on the frontend node: %s", ex) msg = """ Cluster name: %s Cluster template: %s Default ssh to node: %s """ % (, cluster.template, frontend) for cls in cluster.nodes: msg += "- %s nodes: %d\n" % (cls, len(cluster.nodes[cls])) msg += """ To login on the frontend node, run the command: elasticluster ssh %s To upload or download files to the cluster, use the command: elasticluster sftp %s """ % (, return msg
[docs]class Start(AbstractCommand): """ Create a new cluster using the given cluster template. """
[docs] def setup(self, subparsers): parser = subparsers.add_parser( "start", help="Create a cluster using the supplied configuration.", description=self.__doc__) parser.set_defaults(func=self) parser.add_argument('cluster', help="Cluster configuration template." " Must name a configuration stanza [cluster/<name>]") parser.add_argument('-n', '--name', dest='cluster_name', help='Name of the cluster.') parser.add_argument('--nodes', metavar='N1:GROUP[,N2:GROUP2,...]', help='Override the values in of the configuration ' 'file and starts `N1` nodes of group `GROUP`,' 'N2 of GROUP2 etc...') parser.add_argument('--no-setup', action="store_true", default=False, help="Only start the cluster, do not configure it") parser.add_argument( '-p', '--max-concurrent-requests', default=0, dest='max_concurrent_requests', type=int, metavar='NUM', help=("Try to start at most NUM nodes at the same time." " Set to 1 to avoid making multiple requests" " to the cloud controller and start nodes sequentially." " The special value `0` (default) means: start up to" " 4 independent requests per CPU core."))
[docs] def pre_run(self): self.params.nodes_override = {} if self.params.nodes: nodes = self.params.nodes.split(',') for nspec in nodes: n, kind = nspec.split(':') try: n = int(n) except (ValueError, TypeError) as err: raise ConfigurationError( "Invalid syntax for option `--nodes`: " "cannot convert `{n}` to integer: {err}" .format(n=n, err=err)) self.params.nodes_override[kind] = n
[docs] def execute(self): """ Starts a new cluster. """ cluster_template = self.params.cluster if self.params.cluster_name: cluster_name = self.params.cluster_name else: cluster_name = self.params.cluster creator = make_creator(self.params.config, if cluster_template not in creator.cluster_conf: raise ClusterNotFound( "No cluster template named `{0}`" .format(cluster_template)) # possibly overwrite node mix from config cluster_nodes_conf = creator.cluster_conf[cluster_template]['nodes'] for kind, num in self.params.nodes_override.items(): if kind not in cluster_nodes_conf: raise ConfigurationError( "No node group `{kind}` defined" " in cluster template `{template}`" .format(kind=kind, template=cluster_template)) cluster_nodes_conf[kind]['num'] = num # First, check if the cluster is already created. try: cluster = creator.load_cluster(cluster_name) except ClusterNotFound: try: cluster = creator.create_cluster( cluster_template, cluster_name) except ConfigurationError as err: log.error("Starting cluster %s: %s", cluster_template, err) return try: print("Starting cluster `{0}` with:".format( for cls in cluster.nodes: print("* {0:d} {1} nodes.".format(len(cluster.nodes[cls]), cls)) print("(This may take a while...)") min_nodes = dict((kind, cluster_nodes_conf[kind]['min_num']) for kind in cluster_nodes_conf) cluster.start(min_nodes, self.params.max_concurrent_requests) if self.params.no_setup: print("NOT configuring the cluster as requested.") else: print("Configuring the cluster ...") print("(this too may take a while)") ok = cluster.setup() if ok: print( "\nYour cluster `{0}` is ready!" .format( else: print( "\nWARNING: YOUR CLUSTER `{0}` IS NOT READY YET!" .format( print(cluster_summary(cluster)) except (KeyError, ImageError, SecurityGroupError, ClusterError) as err: log.error("Could not start cluster `%s`: %s",, err) raise
[docs]class Stop(AbstractCommand): """ Stop a cluster and terminate all associated virtual machines. """
[docs] def setup(self, subparsers): """ @see abstract_command contract """ parser = subparsers.add_parser( "stop", help="Stop a cluster and all associated VM instances.", description=self.__doc__) parser.set_defaults(func=self) parser.add_argument('cluster', help='name of the cluster') parser.add_argument('--force', action="store_true", default=False, help="Remove the cluster even if not all the nodes" " have been terminated properly.") parser.add_argument('--wait', action="store_true", default=False, help="Wait for all nodes to be properly terminated.") parser.add_argument('--yes', '-y', action="store_true", default=False, help="Assume `yes` to all queries and " "do not prompt.")
[docs] def execute(self): """ Stops the cluster if it's running. """ cluster_name = self.params.cluster creator = make_creator(self.params.config, try: cluster = creator.load_cluster(cluster_name) except (ClusterNotFound, ConfigurationError) as err: log.error("Cannot stop cluster `%s`: %s", cluster_name, err) return os.EX_NOINPUT if not self.params.yes: confirm_or_abort( "Do you want really want to stop cluster `{cluster_name}`?" .format(cluster_name=cluster_name), msg="Aborting upon user request.") print("Destroying cluster `%s` ..." % cluster_name) cluster.stop(force=self.params.force, wait=self.params.wait)
[docs]class Pause(AbstractCommand): """ Pause the nodes in the cluster, retaining disks and configuration. """
[docs] def setup(self, subparsers): parser = subparsers.add_parser( "pause", help="Pause a cluster by shutting down existing " "VMs, retaining disks and configuration.") parser.set_defaults(func=self) parser.add_argument('cluster', help='name of the cluster') parser.add_argument('--yes', action="store_true", default=False, help="Assume `yes` to all queries and " "do not prompt.")
[docs] def execute(self): """Pause the cluster if it is running.""" cluster_name = self.params.cluster creator = make_creator(self.params.config, try: cluster = creator.load_cluster(cluster_name) except (ClusterNotFound, ConfigurationError) as e: log.error("Cannot load cluster `%s`: %s", cluster_name, e) return os.EX_NOINPUT if not self.params.yes: confirm_or_abort( "Do you want really want to pause cluster `{cluster_name}`?" .format(cluster_name=cluster_name), msg="Aborting upon user request.") print("Pausing cluster `%s` ..." % cluster_name) cluster.pause()
[docs]class Resume(AbstractCommand): """ Pause the nodes in the cluster, retaining disks and configuration. """
[docs] def setup(self, subparsers): parser = subparsers.add_parser( "resume", help="Pause a cluster by shutting down existing " "VMs, retaining disks and configuration.") parser.set_defaults(func=self) parser.add_argument('cluster', help='name of the cluster')
[docs] def execute(self): """Resume the cluster if it is paused.""" cluster_name = self.params.cluster creator = make_creator(self.params.config, try: cluster = creator.load_cluster(cluster_name) except (ClusterNotFound, ConfigurationError) as e: log.error("Cannot load cluster `%s`: %s", cluster_name, e) return os.EX_NOINPUT print("Resuming cluster `%s` ..." % cluster_name) cluster.resume()
[docs]class ResizeCluster(AbstractCommand): """ Resize the cluster by adding or removing compute nodes. """
[docs] def setup(self, subparsers): parser = subparsers.add_parser( "resize", help="Resize a cluster by adding or removing " "compute nodes.", description=self.__doc__) parser.set_defaults(func=self) parser.add_argument('cluster', help='name of the cluster') parser.add_argument('-a', '--add', metavar='N1:GROUP1[,N2:GROUP2]', help="Add N1 nodes of group GROUP1, " "N2 of group GROUP2 etc...") parser.add_argument('-r', '--remove', metavar='N1:GROUP1[,N2:GROUP2]', help=("Remove the highest-numbered N1 nodes" " of group GROUP1, N2 of group GROUP2 etc...")) parser.add_argument('-t', '--template', help='name of the template ' 'of this cluster') parser.add_argument('--no-setup', action="store_true", default=False, help="Only start the cluster, do not configure it") parser.add_argument('--yes', action="store_true", default=False, help="Assume `yes` to all queries and " "do not prompt.")
[docs] def pre_run(self): self.params.nodes_to_add = {} self.params.nodes_to_remove = {} try: if self.params.add: nodes = self.params.add.split(',') for nspec in nodes: n, group = nspec.split(':') if not n.isdigit(): raise ConfigurationError( "Invalid syntax for option `--nodes`: " "`%s` is not an integer." % n) self.params.nodes_to_add[group] = int(n) if self.params.remove: nodes = self.params.remove.split(',') for nspec in nodes: n, group = nspec.split(':') self.params.nodes_to_remove[group] = int(n) except ValueError as ex: raise ConfigurationError( "Invalid syntax for argument: %s" % ex)
[docs] def execute(self): creator = make_creator(self.params.config, # Get current cluster configuration cluster_name = self.params.cluster template = self.params.template try: cluster = creator.load_cluster(cluster_name) cluster.update() except (ClusterNotFound, ConfigurationError) as ex: log.error("Error listing nodes from cluster %s: %s", cluster_name, ex) return for grp in self.params.nodes_to_add: print("Adding %d %s node(s) to the cluster" "" % (self.params.nodes_to_add[grp], grp)) # Currently we can't save which template was used to setup a # cluster, therefore we imply the configuration of the new nodes # to match already existent nodes in this group. If no node was # added to this group yet, it will abort and ask for the # `--template` argument. # TODO: find a better solution for this problem, it makes things # complicated for the user if (not grp in cluster.nodes or not cluster.nodes[grp]) \ and not template: log.error( "Elasticluster can not infer which template to use for" " the new node(s). Please provide the template with" " the `-t` or `--template` option") return if not template: sample_node = cluster.nodes[grp][0] for i in range(self.params.nodes_to_add[grp]): cluster.add_node(grp, sample_node.image_id, sample_node.image_user, sample_node.flavor, sample_node.security_group, image_userdata=sample_node.image_userdata, **sample_node.extra) else: conf = creator.cluster_conf[template] conf_kind = conf['nodes'][grp] image_user = conf['login']['image_user'] userdata = conf_kind.get('image_userdata', '') extra = conf_kind.copy() extra.pop('image_id', None) extra.pop('flavor', None) extra.pop('security_group', None) extra.pop('image_userdata', None) for i in range(self.params.nodes_to_add[grp]): cluster.add_node(grp, conf_kind['image_id'], image_user, conf_kind['flavor'], conf_kind['security_group'], image_userdata=userdata, **extra) for grp in self.params.nodes_to_remove: n_to_rm = self.params.nodes_to_remove[grp] print("Removing %d %s node(s) from the cluster." "" % (n_to_rm, grp)) to_remove = cluster.nodes[grp][-n_to_rm:] print("The following nodes will be removed from the cluster.") print(" " + "\n ".join([ for n in to_remove])) if not self.params.yes: confirm_or_abort("Do you really want to remove them?", msg="Aborting upon user request.") for node in to_remove: cluster.nodes[grp].remove(node) node.stop() cluster.start() if self.params.no_setup: print("NOT configuring the cluster as requested.") else: print("Reconfiguring the cluster.") cluster.setup() print(cluster_summary(cluster))
[docs]class RemoveNode(AbstractCommand): """ Remove a specific node from the cluster """
[docs] def setup(self, subparsers): parser = subparsers.add_parser( "remove-node", help="Remove a specific node from the cluster", description=self.__doc__) parser.set_defaults(func=self) parser.add_argument('cluster', help='Cluster from which the node must be removed') parser.add_argument('node', help='Name of node to be removed') parser.add_argument('--no-setup', action="store_true", default=False, help="Do not re-configure the cluster after " "removing the node.") parser.add_argument('--yes', action="store_true", default=False, help="Assume `yes` to all queries and " "do not prompt.")
[docs] def execute(self): creator = make_creator(self.params.config, # Get current cluster configuration cluster_name = self.params.cluster try: cluster = creator.load_cluster(cluster_name) cluster.update() except (ClusterNotFound, ConfigurationError) as ex: log.error("Error loading cluster %s: %s", cluster_name, ex) return # Find the node to remove. try: node = cluster.get_node_by_name(self.params.node) except NodeNotFound: log.error("Node %s not found in cluster %s", self.params.node, self.params.cluster) sys.exit(1) # Run if not self.params.yes: confirm_or_abort("Do you really want to remove node `{}`?" .format(, msg="Aborting upon user request.") cluster.remove_node(node, stop=True) print("Node %s removed" % if self.params.no_setup: print("NOT reconfiguring the cluster as requested.") else: print("Reconfiguring the cluster.") cluster.setup()
[docs]class ListClusters(AbstractCommand): """ Print a list of all clusters that have been started. """
[docs] def setup(self, subparsers): parser = subparsers.add_parser( "list", help="List all started clusters.", description=self.__doc__) parser.set_defaults(func=self)
[docs] def execute(self): creator = make_creator(self.params.config, repository = creator.create_repository() clusters = repository.get_all() if not clusters: print("No clusters found.") else: print(""" The following clusters have been started. Please note that there's no guarantee that they are fully configured: """) for cluster in sorted(clusters, key=(lambda cluster: print("%s " % print("-" * len( print(" name: %s" % if != cluster.template: print(" template: %s" % cluster.template) for cls in cluster.nodes: print(" - %s nodes: %d" % (cls, len(cluster.nodes[cls]))) print("")
[docs]class ListTemplates(AbstractCommand): """ List the available templates defined in the configuration file. """
[docs] def setup(self, subparsers): parser = subparsers.add_parser( "list-templates", description=self.__doc__, help="Show the templates defined in the configuration file.") parser.set_defaults(func=self) parser.add_argument('clusters', nargs="*", help="List only this cluster. Accepts globbing.")
[docs] def execute(self): creator = make_creator(self.params.config, config = creator.cluster_conf print("""%d cluster templates found in configuration file.""" % len(config)) templates = config.keys() # filter results by AND'ing all patterns on the cmd line for pattern in self.params.clusters: templates = [t for t in templates if fnmatch(t, pattern)] if self.params.clusters: print("""%d cluster templates found matching pattern(s) '%s'""" % (len(templates), ", ".join(self.params.clusters))) for template in templates: try: cluster = creator.create_cluster(template, template) print(""" name: %s""" % template) for nodekind in cluster.nodes: print("%s nodes: %d" % ( nodekind, len(cluster.nodes[nodekind]))) except ConfigurationError as ex: log.error("unable to load cluster `%s`: %s", template, ex)
[docs]class ListNodes(AbstractCommand): """ Show some information on all the nodes belonging to a given cluster. """
[docs] def setup(self, subparsers): parser = subparsers.add_parser( "list-nodes", help="Show information about the nodes in the " "cluster", description=self.__doc__) parser.set_defaults(func=self) parser.add_argument('cluster', help='name of the cluster') parser.add_argument('--json', action='store_true', help="Produce JSON output") parser.add_argument('--pretty-json', action='store_true', help="Produce *indented* JSON output " "(more human readable than --json)") parser.add_argument( '-u', '--update', action='store_true', default=False, help="By default `elasticluster list-nodes` will not contact the " "EC2 provider to get up-to-date information, unless `-u` " "option is given.")
[docs] def execute(self): """ Lists all nodes within the specified cluster with certain information like id and ip. """ creator = make_creator(self.params.config, cluster_name = self.params.cluster try: cluster = creator.load_cluster(cluster_name) if self.params.update: cluster.update() except (ClusterNotFound, ConfigurationError) as ex: log.error("Listing nodes from cluster %s: %s", cluster_name, ex) return if self.params.pretty_json: print(json.dumps(cluster, default=dict, indent=4)) elif self.params.json: print(json.dumps(cluster, default=dict)) else: print(cluster_summary(cluster)) for cls in cluster.nodes: print("%s nodes:" % cls) print("") for node in cluster.nodes[cls]: txt = [" " + i for i in node.pprint().splitlines()] print(' - ' + "\n".join(txt)[4:]) print("")
[docs]class SetupCluster(AbstractCommand): """ Setup the given cluster by calling the setup provider defined for this cluster. """
[docs] def setup(self, subparsers): parser = subparsers.add_parser( "setup", help="Configure the cluster.", description=self.__doc__) parser.set_defaults(func=self) parser.add_argument('cluster', help='name of the cluster') parser.add_argument( 'extra', nargs='*', default=[], help=("Extra arguments will be appended (unchanged)" " to the setup provider command-line invocation."))
[docs] def execute(self): creator = make_creator(self.params.config, cluster_name = self.params.cluster print("Updating cluster `%s`..." % cluster_name) try: cluster = creator.load_cluster(cluster_name) cluster.update() except (ClusterNotFound, ConfigurationError) as ex: log.error("Setting up cluster %s: %s", cluster_name, ex) return print("Configuring cluster `{0}`...".format(cluster_name)) ok = cluster.setup(self.params.extra) if ok: print( "\nYour cluster `{0}` is ready!" .format(cluster_name)) else: print( "\nWARNING: YOUR CLUSTER `{0}` IS NOT READY YET!" .format(cluster_name)) print(cluster_summary(cluster))
class _SshCommand(AbstractCommand): """ Connect to the frontend of the cluster using `ssh` or `sftp`. """ # these need to be provided by the concrete subclass command = None def setup(self, subparsers): parser = subparsers.add_parser( self.command, help=("Connect to the frontend of the cluster using the" " `{cmd}` command".format(cmd=self.command)), description=self.__doc__) parser.set_defaults(func=self) parser.add_argument('cluster', help='name of the cluster') parser.add_argument('-n', '--node', metavar='HOSTNAME', action='store', dest='ssh_to', help=("Name of node you want to connect to." " If the cluster template specifies" " an `ssh_to` option, the first node" " in that group is used. Otherwise," " connect to the first node in the group" " named `ssh`, `login`, `frontend`, or" " `master` (whichever exists).")) parser.add_argument('cmds', nargs='*', default=[], help=( "Pass these additional arguments" " to the actual `{cmd}` command." .format(cmd=self.command))) def execute(self): creator = make_creator(self.params.config, cluster_name = self.params.cluster try: cluster = creator.load_cluster(cluster_name) except (ClusterNotFound, ConfigurationError) as ex: log.error("Setting up cluster %s: %s", cluster_name, ex) return # XXX: the default value of `self.params.ssh_to` should = the # default value for `ssh_to` in `Cluster.get_ssh_to_node()` frontend = cluster.get_ssh_to_node(self.params.ssh_to) # ensure we can connect to the host try: if not frontend.connection_ip(): "No connection address known for node `%s`," " updating list of IP addresses ...", frontend.update_ips() log.debug( "Checking that SSH connection to node `%s` works..", # Ensure we can connect to the node, and save the value of `preferred_ip` ssh = frontend.connect(keyfile=cluster.known_hosts_file) if ssh: ssh.close() cluster.repository.save_or_update(cluster) except Exception as err: log.error("Unable to connect to the frontend node: %s", err) sys.exit(os.EX_TEMPFAIL) # now delegate real connection to `ssh` host = frontend.connection_ip() if not host: log.error("No IP address known for node %s", sys.exit(1) addr, port = parse_ip_address_and_port(host) username = frontend.image_user knownhostsfile = cluster.known_hosts_file if cluster.known_hosts_file \ else '/dev/null' cmdline = [self.command, "-i", frontend.user_key_private, "-o", "UserKnownHostsFile={0}".format(knownhostsfile), "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=yes", "-o", "Port={0:d}".format(port), '%s@%s' % (username, addr)] if cluster.ssh_proxy_command: cmdline[1:1] = [ '-o', ('ProxyCommand=' + expand_ssh_proxy_command( cluster.ssh_proxy_command, username, addr, port))] cmdline.extend(self.params.cmds) log.debug("Running command `%s`", ' '.join(cmdline)) os.execlp(self.command, *cmdline)
[docs]class SshFrontend(_SshCommand): """ Connect to the frontend of the cluster using `ssh`. """ command = 'ssh'
[docs]class SftpFrontend(_SshCommand): """ Open an SFTP session to the cluster frontend host. """ command = 'sftp'
[docs]class GC3PieConfig(AbstractCommand): """ Print a GC3Pie configuration snippet for a specific cluster """
[docs] def setup(self, subparsers): parser = subparsers.add_parser( "gc3pie-config", help="Print a GC3Pie configuration snippet.", description=self.__doc__) parser.set_defaults(func=self) parser.add_argument('cluster', help='name of the cluster') parser.add_argument('-a', '--append', metavar='FILE', help='append configuration to file FILE')
[docs] def execute(self): """ Load the cluster and build a GC3Pie configuration snippet. """ log.warning( "Command `elasticluster gc3pie-config` is DEPRECATED" " and will be removed in release 1.4 of ElastiCluster") creator = make_creator(self.params.config, cluster_name = self.params.cluster try: cluster = creator.load_cluster(cluster_name) except (ClusterNotFound, ConfigurationError) as ex: log.error("Listing nodes from cluster %s: %s", cluster_name, ex) return from elasticluster.gc3pie_config import create_gc3pie_config_snippet if self.params.append: path = os.path.expanduser(self.params.append) try: fd = open(path, 'a') fd.write(create_gc3pie_config_snippet(cluster)) fd.close() except IOError as ex: log.error("Unable to write configuration to file %s: %s", path, ex) else: print(create_gc3pie_config_snippet(cluster))
[docs]class ExportCluster(AbstractCommand): """Save cluster definition in the given file. A `.zip` extension is appended if it's not already there. By default, the output file is named like the cluster. """
[docs] def setup(self, subparsers): parser = subparsers.add_parser( "export", help="Export a cluster as zip file", description=self.__doc__) parser.set_defaults(func=self) parser.add_argument('--overwrite', action='store_true', help='Overwritep ZIP file if it exists.') parser.add_argument('--save-keys', action='store_true', help="Also store public and *private* ssh keys. " "WARNING: this will copy sensible data. Use with " "caution!") parser.add_argument( '-o', '--output-file', metavar='FILE', dest='zipfile', help="Output file to be used. By default the cluster is exported " "into a <cluster>.zip file where <cluster> is the cluster name.") parser.add_argument('cluster', help='Name of the cluster to export.')
[docs] def pre_run(self): # find proper path to zip file if not self.params.zipfile: self.params.zipfile = self.params.cluster + '.zip' if not self.params.zipfile.endswith('.zip'): self.params.zipfile += '.zip'
[docs] def execute(self): creator = make_creator(self.params.config, try: cluster = creator.load_cluster(self.params.cluster) except ClusterNotFound: log.error("Cluster `%s` not found in storage dir %s.", self.params.cluster, sys.exit(1) if os.path.exists(self.params.zipfile) and not self.params.overwrite: log.error("ZIP file `%s` already exists.", self.params.zipfile) sys.exit(1) with ZipFile(self.params.zipfile, 'w') as zipfile: # The root of the zip file will contain: # * the storage file # * the known_hosts file # * ssh public and prived keys, if --save-keys is used # # it will NOT contain the ansible inventory file, as this # is automatically created when needed. # # Also, if --save-keys is used and there is an host with a # different ssh private/public key than the default, they # will be saved in: # # ./<cluster>/<group>/<nodename>/ # def verbose_add(fname, basedir='', comment=None): zipname = basedir + os.path.basename(fname)"Adding '%s' as '%s'", fname, zipname) zipfile.write(fname, zipname) if comment: info = zipfile.getinfo(zipname) info.comment = comment try: verbose_add(cluster.storage_file, comment='cluster-file') verbose_add(cluster.known_hosts_file, comment='known_hosts') if self.params.save_keys: # that's sensible stuff, let's ask permission. print(""" ========================== WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! ========================== You are about to add your SSH *private* key to the ZIP archive. These are sensible data: anyone with access to the ZIP file will have access to any host where this private key has been deployed. """) confirm_or_abort( "Are you sure you still want to copy them?", msg="Aborting upon user request.") # Also save all the public and private keys we can find. # Cluster keys verbose_add(cluster.user_key_public) verbose_add(cluster.user_key_private) # Node keys, if found for node in cluster.get_all_nodes(): if node.user_key_public != cluster.user_key_public: verbose_add(node.user_key_public, "%s/%s/%s/" % (, node.kind, for node in cluster.get_all_nodes(): if node.user_key_private != cluster.user_key_private: verbose_add(node.user_key_private, "%s/%s/%s/" % (, node.kind, except OSError as ex: # A file is probably missing! log.error( "Fatal error: cannot add file %s to zip archive: %s.", ex.filename, ex) sys.exit(1) print("Cluster '%s' correctly exported into %s" % (, self.params.zipfile))
[docs]class ImportCluster(AbstractCommand): """Import a cluster definition from FILE into local storage. After running this command, it will be possible to operate on the imported cluster as if it had been created locally. The FILE to be imported must have been created with `elasticluster export`. If a cluster already exists with the same name of the one being imported, the import operation is aborted and `elasticluster` exists with an error. """
[docs] def setup(self, subparsers): parser = subparsers.add_parser( "import", help="Import a cluster from a zip file", description=self.__doc__) parser.set_defaults(func=self) parser.add_argument('--rename', metavar='NAME', help="Rename the cluster during import.") parser.add_argument("file", help="Path to ZIP file produced by " "`elasticluster export`.")
[docs] def execute(self): creator = make_creator(self.params.config, repo = creator.create_repository() tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() log.debug("Using temporary directory %s", tmpdir) tmpconf = make_creator(self.params.config, storage_path=tmpdir) tmprepo = tmpconf.create_repository() rc=0 # Read the zip file. try: with ZipFile(self.params.file, 'r') as zipfile: # Find main cluster file # create cluster object from it log.debug("ZIP file %s opened", self.params.file) cluster = None zipfile.extractall(tmpdir) newclusters = tmprepo.get_all() cluster = newclusters[0] cur_clusternames = [ for c in repo.get_all()] oldname = newname = self.params.rename if self.params.rename: = self.params.rename for node in cluster.get_all_nodes(): node.cluster_name = if in cur_clusternames: raise Exception( "A cluster with name %s already exists. Use " "option --rename to rename the cluster to be " "imported." % # Save the cluster in the new position cluster.repository = repo repo.save_or_update(cluster) dest = cluster.repository.storage_path # Copy the known hosts srcfile = os.path.join(tmpdir, oldname+'.known_hosts') destfile = os.path.join(dest,'.known_hosts') shutil.copy(srcfile, destfile) # Copy the ssh keys, if present for attr in ('user_key_public', 'user_key_private'): keyfile = getattr(cluster, attr) keybase = os.path.basename(keyfile) srcfile = os.path.join(tmpdir, keybase) if os.path.isfile(srcfile):"Importing key file %s", keybase) destfile = os.path.join(dest, keybase) shutil.copy(srcfile, destfile) setattr(cluster, attr, destfile) for node in cluster.get_all_nodes(): nodekeyfile = getattr(node, attr) # Check if it's different from the main key if nodekeyfile != keyfile \ and os.path.isfile(nodekeyfile): destdir = os.path.join(dest,, node.kind, nodekeybase = os.path.basename(nodekeyfile) "Importing key file %s for node %s", nodekeybase, if not os.path.isdir(destdir): os.makedirs(destdir) # Path to key in zip file srcfile = os.path.join(tmpdir, oldname, node.kind,, nodekeybase) destfile = os.path.join(destdir, nodekeybase) shutil.copy(srcfile, destfile) # Always save the correct destfile setattr(node, attr, destfile) repo.save_or_update(cluster) if not cluster: log.error( "ZIP file %s does not contain a valid cluster.", self.params.file) rc = 2 # Check if a cluster already exists. # if not, unzip the needed files, and update ssh key path if needed. except Exception as ex: log.error("Unable to import from zipfile `%s`: %s", self.params.file, ex) rc=1 finally: if os.path.isdir(tmpdir): shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)"Cleaning up directory `%s`", tmpdir) if rc == 0: print("Successfully imported cluster from ZIP %s to %s" % (self.params.file, repo.storage_path)) sys.exit(rc)