Source code for elasticluster.cluster

#! /usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2021      Google LLC
# Copyright (C) 2013-2019 University of Zurich
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
__author__ = '''
Nicolas Baer <>,
Antonio Messina <>,
Riccardo Murri <>

# System imports
from builtins import zip
from builtins import range
from builtins import object
from collections import defaultdict
from contextlib import closing
from copy import copy
from functools import reduce
import itertools
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool
import operator
import os
import re
import signal
import socket
import sys
import time
from warnings import warn

# External modules
import paramiko
from binascii import hexlify

# Elasticluster imports
from elasticluster import log
from elasticluster.exceptions import (
from elasticluster.utils import (


def raise_timeout_error(signum, frame):
    raise TimeoutError()

class IgnorePolicy(paramiko.MissingHostKeyPolicy):
    def missing_host_key(self, client, hostname, key):'Ignoring unknown %s host key for %s: %s' %
                 (key.get_name(), hostname, hexlify(key.get_fingerprint())))

[docs]class Cluster(Struct): """ This is the heart of elasticluster and handles all cluster relevant behavior. You can basically start, setup and stop a cluster. Also it provides factory methods to add nodes to the cluster. A typical workflow is as follows: * create a new cluster * add nodes to fit your computing needs * start cluster; start all instances in the cloud * setup cluster; configure all nodes to fit your computing cluster * eventually stop cluster; destroys all instances in the cloud :param str name: unique identifier of the cluster :param cloud_provider: access to the cloud to manage nodes :type cloud_provider: :py:class:`elasticluster.providers.AbstractCloudProvider` :param setup_provider: provider to setup cluster :type setup_provider: :py:class:`elasticluster.providers.AbstractSetupProvider` :param str user_key_name: name of the ssh key to connect to cloud :param str user_key_public: path to ssh public key file :param str user_key_private: path to ssh private key file :param int start_timeout: Maximum time (in seconds) to wait for all cluster nodes to be up and running. Nodes that are not up and running (i.e., an SSH connection can be successfully established) within this time lapse are marked as "down". :param int ssh_probe_timeout: Maximum time (in seconds) to wait for each SSH connection attempt to succeed. If no attempt succeed within `start_timeout`, then the node is marked as "down". :param repository: by default the :py:class:`elasticluster.repository.MemRepository` is used to store the cluster in memory. Provide another repository to store the cluster in a persistent state. :type repository: :py:class:`elasticluster.repository.AbstractClusterRepository` :param extra: tbd. :ivar nodes: dict [node_type] = [:py:class:`Node`] that represents all nodes in this cluster """ polling_interval = 10 #: how often to ask the cloud provider for node state def __init__(self, name, user_key_name='elasticluster-key', user_key_public='~/.ssh/', user_key_private='~/.ssh/id_rsa', cloud_provider=None, setup_provider=None, availability_zone='', repository=None, start_timeout=600, ssh_probe_timeout=5, ssh_proxy_command='', thread_pool_max_size=10, **extra): = name self.template = extra.pop('template', None) self._cloud_provider = cloud_provider self._setup_provider = setup_provider self.availability_zone = availability_zone self.ssh_probe_timeout = ssh_probe_timeout self.ssh_proxy_command = ssh_proxy_command self.start_timeout = start_timeout self.thread_pool_max_size = thread_pool_max_size self.user_key_name = user_key_name if repository is not None: self.repository = repository else: # lazily import here otherwise we have a circular import issue from elasticluster.repository import MemRepository self.repository = MemRepository() self.ssh_to = extra.pop('ssh_to', None) self.user_key_private = os.path.expandvars(user_key_private) self.user_key_private = os.path.expanduser(user_key_private) self.user_key_public = os.path.expanduser(user_key_public) self.user_key_public = os.path.expandvars(user_key_public) # this needs to exist before `add_node()` is called self._naming_policy = NodeNamingPolicy() self.nodes = {} # Build the internal nodes. This is mostly useful when loading # the cluster from JSON files. for kind, nodes in extra.pop('nodes', {}).items(): for node in nodes: # adding un-named nodes before NodeNamingPolicy has # been fully populated can lead to duplicate names assert 'name' in node self.add_node(**node) self.paused_nodes = dict(extra.pop('paused_nodes', {})) self.extra = {} # FIXME: ugly fix needed when saving and loading the same # cluster using json. The `extra` keywords will become a # single, dictionary-valued, `extra` option when calling again # the constructor. self.extra.update(extra.pop('extra', {})) # attributes that have already been defined trump whatever is # in the `extra` dictionary for key, value in extra.items(): if key not in self: self.extra[key] = value @property def known_hosts_file(self): return os.path.join(self.repository.storage_path, "%s.known_hosts" % @property def cloud_provider(self): return self._cloud_provider @cloud_provider.setter def cloud_provider(self, provider): self._cloud_provider = provider for node in self.get_all_nodes(): node._cloud_provider = provider
[docs] def to_dict(self, omit=()): """ Return a (shallow) copy of self cast to a dictionary, optionally omitting some key/value pairs. """ result = self.__dict__.copy() for key in omit: if key in result: del result[key] return result
[docs] def to_vars_dict(self): """ Return local state which is relevant to the cluster setup process. """ return self.to_dict(omit=[ '_cloud_provider', '_naming_policy', '_setup_provider', 'repository', 'ssh_proxy_command', 'ssh_to', 'storage_file', 'thread_pool_max_size', ])
def __getstate__(self): return self.to_dict(omit=( '_cloud_provider', '_naming_policy', '_setup_provider',)) def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__ = state self.__dict__['_setup_provider'] = None self.__dict__['_cloud_provider'] = None # restore naming policy state naming_policy = NodeNamingPolicy() for kind, nodes in self.nodes.items(): for node in nodes: naming_policy.use(kind, self.__dict__['_naming_policy'] = naming_policy
[docs] def keys(self): """Only expose some of the attributes when using as a dictionary""" keys = Struct.keys(self) for key in ( '_cloud_provider', '_naming_policy', '_setup_provider', 'known_hosts_file', 'repository', ): if key in keys: keys.remove(key) return keys
[docs] def update_config(self, cluster_config): """Update current configuration. This method is usually called after loading a `Cluster` instance from a persistent storage. Note that not all fields are actually updated, but only those that can be safely updated. """ for key, attr in [ ('ssh_to', 'ssh_to'), ]: oldvalue = getattr(self, attr) try: newvalue = cluster_config[key] except KeyError: continue if key in cluster_config and newvalue != oldvalue: setattr(self, attr, newvalue) log.debug( "Configuration attribute `%s` updated: %s -> %s", key, oldvalue, newvalue)
# a kind must *not* end with a digit, otherwise we'll have a hard # time extracting the node index with the default naming policy _NODE_KIND_RE = re.compile(r'^[a-z0-9-]*[a-z-]+$', re.I)
[docs] def add_node(self, kind, image_id, image_user, flavor, security_group, image_userdata='', name=None, **extra): """ Adds a new node to the cluster. This factory method provides an easy way to add a new node to the cluster by specifying all relevant parameters. The node does not get started nor setup automatically, this has to be done manually afterwards. :param str kind: kind of node to start. this refers to the groups defined in the ansible setup provider :py:class:`elasticluster.providers.AnsibleSetupProvider` Please note that this can only contain alphanumeric characters and hyphens (and must not end with a digit), as it is used to build a valid hostname :param str image_id: image id to use for the cloud instance (e.g. ami on amazon) :param str image_user: user to login on given image :param str flavor: machine type to use for cloud instance :param str security_group: security group that defines firewall rules to the instance :param str image_userdata: commands to execute after instance starts :param str name: name of this node, automatically generated if None :raises: ValueError: `kind` argument is an invalid string. :return: created :py:class:`Node` """ if not self._NODE_KIND_RE.match(kind): raise ValueError( "Invalid name `{kind}`. The `kind` argument may only contain" " alphanumeric characters, and must not end with a digit." .format(kind=kind)) if kind not in self.nodes: self.nodes[kind] = [] # To ease json dump/load, use `extra` dictionary to # instantiate Node class extra.update( cloud_provider=self._cloud_provider,, flavor=flavor, image_id=image_id, image_user=image_user, image_userdata=image_userdata, kind=kind, security_group=security_group, ) for attr in ( 'flavor', 'image_id', 'image_user', 'image_userdata', 'security_group', 'user_key_name', 'user_key_private', 'user_key_public', ): if attr not in extra: extra[attr] = getattr(self, attr) if not name: # `extra` contains key `kind` already name =**extra) else: self._naming_policy.use(kind, name) node = Node(name=name, **extra) self.nodes[kind].append(node) return node
[docs] def add_nodes(self, kind, num, image_id, image_user, flavor, security_group, image_userdata='', **extra): """Helper method to add multiple nodes of the same kind to a cluster. :param str kind: kind of node to start. this refers to the groups defined in the ansible setup provider :py:class:`elasticluster.providers.AnsibleSetupProvider` :param int num: number of nodes to add of this kind :param str image_id: image id to use for the cloud instance (e.g. ami on amazon) :param str image_user: user to login on given image :param str flavor: machine type to use for cloud instance :param str security_group: security group that defines firewall rules to the instance :param str image_userdata: commands to execute after instance starts """ for i in range(num): self.add_node(kind, image_id, image_user, flavor, security_group, image_userdata=image_userdata, **extra)
[docs] def remove_node(self, node, stop=False): """Removes a node from the cluster. By default, it doesn't also stop the node, just remove from the known hosts of this cluster. :param node: node to remove :type node: :py:class:`Node` :param stop: Stop the node :type stop: bool """ if node.kind not in self.nodes: raise NodeNotFound("Unable to remove node %s: invalid node type `%s`.",, node.kind) else: try: index = self.nodes[node.kind].index(node) if self.nodes[node.kind][index]: del self.nodes[node.kind][index] if stop: node.stop(), self.repository.save_or_update(self) remaining_nodes = self.get_all_nodes() self._gather_node_ip_addresses( remaining_nodes, self.start_timeout, self.ssh_probe_timeout, remake=True) except ValueError: raise NodeNotFound("Node %s not found in cluster" %
[docs] def start(self, min_nodes=None, max_concurrent_requests=0): """ Starts up all the instances in the cloud. To speed things up, all instances are started in a seperate thread. To make sure ElastiCluster is not stopped during creation of an instance, it will overwrite the sigint handler. As soon as the last started instance is returned and saved to the repository, sigint is executed as usual. A VM instance is considered 'up and running' as soon as an SSH connection can be established. If the startup timeout is reached before all instances are started, ElastiCluster stops the cluster and terminates all VM instances. This method is blocking and might take some time depending on the amount of instances to start. :param min_nodes: minimum number of nodes to start in case the quota is reached before all instances are up :type min_nodes: dict [node_kind] = number :param int max_concurrent_requests: Issue at most this number of requests to start VMs; if 1 or less, start nodes one at a time (sequentially). The special value ``0`` means run 4 threads for each available processor. """ nodes = self.get_all_nodes() "Starting cluster nodes (timeout: %d seconds) ...", self.start_timeout) if max_concurrent_requests == 0: try: max_concurrent_requests = 4 * get_num_processors() except RuntimeError: log.warning( "Cannot determine number of processors!" " will start nodes sequentially...") max_concurrent_requests = 1 if max_concurrent_requests > 1: nodes = self._start_nodes_parallel(nodes, max_concurrent_requests) else: nodes = self._start_nodes_sequentially(nodes) # checkpoint cluster state self.repository.save_or_update(self) not_started_nodes = self._check_starting_nodes(nodes, self.start_timeout) # now that all nodes are up, checkpoint cluster state again self.repository.save_or_update(self) # Try to connect to each node to gather IP addresses and SSH host keys started_nodes = nodes - not_started_nodes if not started_nodes: raise ClusterSizeError("No nodes could be started!") "Checking SSH connection to nodes (timeout: %d seconds) ...", self.start_timeout) self._gather_node_ip_addresses( started_nodes, self.start_timeout, self.ssh_probe_timeout) # It's possible that the node.connect() call updated the # `preferred_ip` attribute, so, let's save the cluster again. self.repository.save_or_update(self) # A lot of things could go wrong when starting the cluster. # Check that the minimum number of nodes within each groups is # reachable. Raise `ClusterSizeError()` if not. self._check_cluster_size(self._compute_min_nodes(min_nodes))
def _start_nodes_sequentially(self, nodes): """ Start the nodes sequentially without forking. Return set of nodes that were actually started. """ log.debug("Note: will *not* issue parallel requests to cloud API.") started_nodes = set() for node in copy(nodes): started = self._start_node(node) if started: started_nodes.add(node) # checkpoint cluster state self.repository.save_or_update(self) return started_nodes def _start_nodes_parallel(self, nodes, max_thread_pool_size): """ Start the nodes using a pool of multiprocessing threads for speed-up. Return set of nodes that were actually started. """ # Create one thread for each node to start thread_pool_size = self._get_thread_pool_size(max_thread_pool_size) # FIXME: starting Py3.3, `Pool()` objects support the context manager # protocol, so we can remove the `closing(...)` wrapper with closing(Pool(thread_pool_size)) as thread_pool: log.debug("Note: starting %d nodes concurrently.", thread_pool_size) # pressing Ctrl+C flips this flag, which in turn stops the main loop # down below keep_running = True def sigint_handler(signal, frame): """ Makes sure the cluster is saved, before the sigint results in exiting during node startup. """ log.error( "Interrupted: will save cluster state and exit" " after all nodes have started.") keep_running = False # intercept Ctrl+C with sighandler(signal.SIGINT, sigint_handler): result = thread_pool.map_async(self._start_node, nodes) while not result.ready(): result.wait(1) # check if Ctrl+C was pressed if not keep_running: log.error("Aborting upon manual interruption ...") # interrupt node creation as soon as possible thread_pool.terminate() thread_pool.join() self.repository.save_or_update(self) raise KeyboardInterrupt( "User-initiated interruption (Ctrl+C or SIGINT)") # keep only nodes that were successfully started return set(node for node, ok in zip(nodes, result.get()) if ok) @staticmethod def _start_node(node): """ Start the given node VM. :return: bool -- True on success, False otherwise """ log.debug("_start_node: working on node `%s`", # FIXME: the following check is not optimal yet. When a node is still # in a starting state, it will start another node here, since the # `is_alive` method will only check for running nodes (see issue #13) if node.is_alive():"Not starting node `%s` which is already up.", return True else: try: node.start()"Node `%s` has been started.", return True except Exception as err: log.exception("Could not start node `%s`: %s -- %s",, err, err.__class__) return False def _check_starting_nodes(self, nodes, lapse): """ Wait until all given nodes are alive, for max `lapse` seconds. """ with timeout(lapse, raise_timeout_error): try: while nodes: nodes = set(node for node in nodes if not node.is_alive()) if nodes: log.debug("Waiting for %d more nodes to come up ...", len(nodes)) time.sleep(self.polling_interval) except TimeoutError: log.error("Some nodes did not start correctly" " within the given %d-seconds timeout: %s", lapse, ', '.join( for node in nodes)) # return list of not-yet-started nodes, # so we can exclude them from coming rounds return nodes def _gather_node_ip_addresses(self, nodes, lapse, ssh_timeout, remake=False): """ Connect via SSH to each node. Return set of nodes that could not be reached with `lapse` seconds. """ # for convenience, we might set this to ``None`` if the file cannot # be opened -- but we do not want to forget the cluster-wide # setting in case the error is transient known_hosts_path = self.known_hosts_file # If run with remake=True, deletes known_hosts_file so that it will # be recreated. Prevents "Invalid host key" errors if remake and os.path.isfile(known_hosts_path): os.remove(known_hosts_path) # Create the file if it's not present, otherwise the # following lines will raise an error try: fd = open(known_hosts_path, 'a') fd.close() except IOError as err: log.warning("Error opening SSH 'known hosts' file `%s`: %s", known_hosts_path, err) known_hosts_path = None keys = paramiko.hostkeys.HostKeys(known_hosts_path) with timeout(lapse, raise_timeout_error): try: while nodes: for node in copy(nodes): ssh = node.connect( keyfile=known_hosts_path, timeout=ssh_timeout) if ssh:"Connection to node `%s` successful," " using IP address %s to connect.",, node.connection_ip()) # Add host keys to the keys object. for host, key in ssh.get_host_keys().items(): for keytype, keydata in key.items(): keys.add(host, keytype, keydata) self._save_keys_to_known_hosts_file(keys) nodes.remove(node) if nodes: time.sleep(self.polling_interval) except TimeoutError: log.error( "Some nodes of the cluster were unreachable" " within the given %d-seconds timeout: %s", lapse, ', '.join( for node in nodes)) # return list of nodes return nodes def _save_keys_to_known_hosts_file(self, keys): try: except IOError: log.warning("Ignoring error saving known_hosts file: %s", self.known_hosts_file) def _compute_min_nodes(self, min_nodes=None): if min_nodes is None: min_nodes = {} # check that each group has a minimum value for group, nodes in self.nodes.items(): if group not in min_nodes: min_nodes[group] = len(nodes) return min_nodes def _check_cluster_size(self, min_nodes): """Checks the size of the cluster to fit the needs of the user. It considers the minimum values for the node groups if present. Otherwise it will imply the user wants the amount of specified nodes at least. :param min_nodes: minimum number of nodes for each kind :type min_nodes: dict [node_kind] = number :raises: ClusterError in case the size does not fit the minimum number specified by the user. """ # finding all node groups with an unsatisfied amount of nodes unsatisfied = 0 for kind, required in min_nodes.items(): available = len(self.nodes.get(kind, [])) if available < required: log.error( "Not enough nodes of kind `%s`:" " %d required, but only %d available.", ) unsatisfied += 1 if unsatisfied: raise ClusterSizeError()
[docs] def get_all_nodes(self): """Returns a list of all nodes in this cluster as a mixed list of different node kinds. :return: list of :py:class:`Node` """ return sum(self.nodes.values(), [])
[docs] def get_node_by_name(self, nodename): """Return the node corresponding with name `nodename` :params nodename: Name of the node :type nodename: str """ for kind, nodes in self.nodes.items(): for node in nodes: if == nodename: return node else: raise NodeNotFound( "Node `{0}` not found in cluster `{1}`" .format(nodename,
[docs] def stop(self, force=False, wait=False): """ Terminate all VMs in this cluster and delete its repository. :param bool force: remove cluster from storage even if not all nodes could be stopped. """ log.debug("Stopping cluster `%s` ...", failed = self._stop_all_nodes(wait) if failed: if force: self._delete_saved_data() log.warning( "Not all cluster nodes have been terminated." " However, as requested, data about the cluster" " has been removed from local storage.") else: self.repository.save_or_update(self) log.warning( "Not all cluster nodes have been terminated." " Fix errors above and re-run `elasticluster stop %s`", else: self._delete_saved_data()
[docs] def pause(self): """Pause all VMs in this cluster and store data so that they can be restarted later. """"Pausing cluster `%s` ...", failed = self._pause_all_nodes() if os.path.exists(self.known_hosts_file): os.remove(self.known_hosts_file) self.repository.save_or_update(self) if failed: log.warning( "Not all cluster nodes have been successfully " "stopped. Some nodes may still be running - " "check error messages above and consider " "re-running `elasticluster pause %s` if " "necessary.",
[docs] def resume(self): """ Resume all paused VMs in this cluster. """"Resuming cluster `%s` ...", failed = self._resume_all_nodes() for node in self.get_all_nodes(): node.update_ips() self._gather_node_ip_addresses( self.get_all_nodes(), self.start_timeout, self.ssh_probe_timeout) self.repository.save_or_update(self) if failed: log.warning( "Not all cluster nodes have been successfully " "restarted. Check error messages above and consider " "re-running `elasticluster resume %s` if " "necessary.", return if not self._setup_provider.resume_cluster(self): log.warning("Elasticluster was not able to guarantee that the " "cluster restarted correctly - check the errors " "above and check your config.")
def _delete_saved_data(self): self._setup_provider.cleanup(self) self.repository.delete(self) if os.path.exists(self.known_hosts_file): os.remove(self.known_hosts_file) def _stop_all_nodes(self, wait=False): """ Terminate all cluster nodes. Return number of failures. """ failed = 0 for node in self.get_all_nodes(): if not node.instance_id: log.warning( "Node `%s` has no instance ID." " Assuming it did not start correctly," " so removing it anyway from the cluster.", self.nodes[node.kind].remove(node) continue # try and stop node try: # wait and pause for and recheck. node.stop(wait) self.nodes[node.kind].remove(node) log.debug( "Removed node `%s` from cluster `%s`",, except InstanceNotFoundError as err: "Node `%s` (instance ID `%s`) was not found;" " assuming it has already been terminated.",, node.instance_id) except Exception as err: failed += 1 log.error( "Could not stop node `%s` (instance ID `%s`): %s %s",, node.instance_id, err, err.__class__) return failed def _get_thread_pool_size(self, max_thread_pool_size=0): try: if max_thread_pool_size == 0: max_thread_pool_size = 4 * get_num_processors() except RuntimeError: log.warning( "Cannot determine number of processors!" " will start nodes sequentially...") max_thread_pool_size = 1 return min(len(self.get_all_nodes()), max_thread_pool_size) def _pause_all_nodes(self, max_thread_pool_size=0): """Pause all cluster nodes - ensure that we store data so that in the future the nodes can be restarted. :return: int - number of failures. """ failed = 0 def _pause_specific_node(node): if not node.instance_id: log.warning("Node `%s` has no instance id." " It is either already stopped, or" " never created properly. Not attempting" " to stop it again.", return None try: return node.pause() except Exception as err: log.error( "Could not stop node `%s` (instance ID `%s`): %s %s",, node.instance_id, err, err.__class__) node.update_ips() return None nodes = self.get_all_nodes() # FIXME: starting Py3.3, `Pool()` objects support the context manager # protocol, so we can remove the `closing(...)` wrapper with closing(Pool(self._get_thread_pool_size(max_thread_pool_size))) as thread_pool: for node, state in zip(nodes,, nodes)): if state is None: failed += 1 else: self.paused_nodes[] = state return failed def _resume_all_nodes(self, max_thread_pool_size=0): if not self.paused_nodes: log.warning("Didn't find any paused nodes - not resuming anything.") return def _resume_single_node(node_name): node_state = self.paused_nodes[node_name] try: log.debug("Resuming node `%s`.", node_name) self._cloud_provider.resume_instance(node_state) log.debug("Successfully resumed node `%s`.", node_name) return node_name except Exception as err: log.error("Could not resume node `%s` - %s.", node_name, err) return None # FIXME: starting Py3.3, `Pool()` objects support the context manager # protocol, so we can remove the `closing(...)` wrapper with closing(Pool(self._get_thread_pool_size(max_thread_pool_size))) as thread_pool: for node_name in, self.paused_nodes): del self.paused_nodes[node_name] return len(self.paused_nodes)
[docs] def get_ssh_to_node(self, ssh_to=None): """ Return target node for SSH/SFTP connections. The target node is the first node of the class specified in the configuration file as ``ssh_to`` (but argument ``ssh_to`` can override this choice). If not ``ssh_to`` has been specified in this cluster's config, then try node class names ``ssh``, ``login``, ``frontend``, and ``master``: if any of these is non-empty, return the first node. If all else fails, return the first node of the first class (in alphabetic order). :return: :py:class:`Node` :raise: :py:class:`elasticluster.exceptions.NodeNotFound` if no valid frontend node is found """ if ssh_to is None: ssh_to = self.ssh_to # first try to interpret `ssh_to` as a node name if ssh_to: try: return self.get_node_by_name(ssh_to) except NodeNotFound: pass # next, ensure `ssh_to` is a class name if ssh_to: try: parts = self._naming_policy.parse(ssh_to) log.warning( "Node `%s` not found." " Trying to find other node in class `%s` ...", ssh_to, parts['kind']) ssh_to = parts['kind'] except ValueError: # it's already a class name pass # try getting first node of kind `ssh_to` if ssh_to: try: nodes = self.nodes[ssh_to] except KeyError: raise ConfigurationError( "Invalid configuration item `ssh_to={ssh_to}` in cluster `{name}`:" " node class `{ssh_to}` does not exist in this cluster." .format(ssh_to=ssh_to, try: return nodes[0] except IndexError: log.warning( "Chosen `ssh_to` class `%s` is empty: unable to " "get the choosen frontend node from that class.", ssh_to) # If we reach this point, `ssh_to` was not set or the # preferred class was empty. Try "natural" `ssh_to` values. for kind in ['ssh', 'login', 'frontend', 'master']: try: nodes = self.nodes[kind] return nodes[0] except (KeyError, IndexError): pass # ... if all else fails, return first node for kind in sorted(self.nodes.keys()): if self.nodes[kind]: return self.nodes[kind][0] # Uh-oh, no nodes in this cluster! raise NodeNotFound("Unable to find a valid SSH node:" " cluster has no nodes!")
[docs] def setup(self, extra_args=tuple()): """ Configure the cluster nodes. Actual action is delegated to the :py:class:`elasticluster.providers.AbstractSetupProvider` that was provided at construction time. :param list extra_args: List of additional command-line arguments that are appended to each invocation of the setup program. :return: bool - True on success, False otherwise """ try: # setup the cluster using the setup provider ret = self._setup_provider.setup_cluster(self, extra_args) except Exception as err: log.error( "The cluster hosts are up and running," " but %s failed to set the cluster up: %s", self._setup_provider.HUMAN_READABLE_NAME, err) ret = False if not ret: log.warning( "Cluster `%s` not yet configured. Please, re-run " "`elasticluster setup %s` and/or check your configuration",, return ret
[docs] def update(self): """ Update connection information of all nodes in this cluster. It happens, for example, that public ip's are not available immediately, therefore calling this method might help. """ for node in self.get_all_nodes(): try: node.update_ips() # If we previously did not have a preferred_ip or the # preferred_ip is not in the current list, then try to connect # to one of the node ips and update the preferred_ip. if node.ips and \ not (node.preferred_ip and \ node.preferred_ip in node.ips): node.connect() except InstanceError as ex: log.warning("Ignoring error updating information on node %s: %s", node, ex) self.repository.save_or_update(self)
[docs]class NodeNamingPolicy(object): """ Create names for cluster nodes. This class takes care of the book-keeping associated to naming nodes in the cluster: generate new names (see :meth:`new`), record existing ones (see :meth:`use`), and marking unused names as "free" (see :meth:`free`). Basic usage is simple: mark any name that is already in use by calling :meth:`use` on it, and request new addresses with :meth:`new`; any name that is no longer used should be unregistered by calling :meth:`free` so that it can be re-used. Calls to either method can be freely intermixed. From each node name, a numerical "index" is extracted; methods in this class ensure that no two names are ever emitted with a duplicate index, and that the set of indices in use is as close as possible to an integer range starting at 1. When the node names in use form a numerical range, each call to :meth:`new` just increments the top of the range:: >>> p = NodeNamingPolicy() >>> p.use('foo', 'foo001') >>> p.use('foo', 'foo002') >>> p.use('foo', 'foo003') >>>'foo') 'foo004' When a hole is pinched in the range, however, unused names *within* the range are used until all "holes" have been filled:: >>>'foo', 'foo002') >>>'foo') 'foo002' >>>'foo') 'foo005' *Warning:* calling :meth:`use` on a name with a larger sequential index than any name in the currently-used range extends the list of "holes" with all the names from the old top of the range up to the new one:: >>> p.use('foo', 'foo009') >>>'foo') in ['foo006', 'foo007', 'foo008'] True The `pattern` constructor argument allows changing the way the node name is built:: >>> p = NodeNamingPolicy(pattern='node-{kind}-{index}') >>>'foo') 'node-foo-1' If you change the pattern, however, you must make sure that :meth:`use` and :meth:`free` can parse the name back. This implementation assumes that a node's numerical index is formed by the last digits in the name; to implement a more general/complex scheme, override methods :meth:`format` and :meth:`parse`. This class may seem over-engineered for the simple requirement that unique names be generated, but I've actually had to answer support requests of the kind "Hey, our cluster has ``compute001`` and ``compute002`` and then ``compute004`` through ``compute010`` -- what happened to ``compute003``?", so I'd rather spend a bit more time coding than explaining each time that gaps in the naming scheme are harmless. """ def __init__(self, pattern=r'{kind}{index:03d}'): self.pattern = pattern # keep a record of unused node names (by kind) and of the # highest-numbered node, in case there are no free ones left. self._free = defaultdict(set) self._top = defaultdict(int)
[docs] @staticmethod def format(pattern, **args): """ Form a node name by interpolating `args` into `pattern`. This is actually nothing more than a call to `pattern.format(...)` but is provided as a separate overrideable method as it is logically paired with :meth:`parse`. """ return pattern.format(**args)
[docs] @staticmethod def parse(name): """ Return dict of parts forming `name`. Raise `ValueError` if string `name` cannot be correctly parsed. The default implementation uses `NodeNamingPolicy._NODE_NAME_RE` to parse the name back into constituent parts. This is ideally the inverse of :meth:`format` -- it should be able to parse a node name string into the parameter values that were used to form it. """ match = NodeNamingPolicy._NODE_NAME_RE.match(name) if match: return match.groupdict() else: raise ValueError( "Cannot parse node name `{name}`" .format(name=name))
_NODE_NAME_RE = re.compile( r'(?P<kind>[a-z0-9-]*[a-z-]+) (?P<index>\d+)$', re.I | re.X)
[docs] def new(self, kind, **extra): """ Return a host name for a new node of the given kind. The new name is formed by interpolating ``{}``-format specifiers in the string given as ``pattern`` argument to the class constructor. The following names can be used in the ``{}``-format specifiers: * ``kind`` -- the `kind` argument * ``index`` -- a positive integer number, garanteed to be unique (per kind) * any other keyword argument used in the call to :meth:`new` Example:: >>> p = NodeNamingPolicy(pattern='node-{kind}-{index}{spec}') >>>'foo', spec='bar') 'node-foo-1bar' >>>'foo', spec='quux') 'node-foo-2quux' """ if self._free[kind]: index = self._free[kind].pop() else: self._top[kind] += 1 index = self._top[kind] return self.format(self.pattern, kind=kind, index=index, **extra)
[docs] def use(self, kind, name): """ Mark a node name as used. """ try: params = self.parse(name) index = int(params['index'], 10) if index in self._free[kind]: self._free[kind].remove(index) top = self._top[kind] if index > top: self._free[kind].update(range(top + 1, index)) self._top[kind] = index except ValueError: log.warning( "Cannot extract numerical index" " from node name `%s`!", name)
[docs] def free(self, kind, name): """ Mark a node name as no longer in use. It could thus be recycled to name a new node. """ try: params = self.parse(name) index = int(params['index'], 10) self._free[kind].add(index) assert index <= self._top[kind] if index == self._top[kind]: self._top[kind] -= 1 except ValueError: # ignore failures in self.parse() pass
[docs]class Node(Struct): """The node represents an instance in a cluster. It holds all information to connect to the nodes also manages the cloud instance. It provides the basic functionality to interact with the cloud instance, such as start, stop, check if the instance is up and ssh connect. :param str name: identifier of the node :param str kind: kind of node in regard to cluster. this usually refers to a specified group in the :py:class:`elasticluster.providers.AbstractSetupProvider` :param cloud_provider: cloud provider to manage the instance :type cloud_provider: :py:class:`elasticluster.providers.AbstractCloudProvider` :param str user_key_public: path to the ssh public key :param str user_key_private: path to the ssh private key :param str user_key_name: name of the ssh key :param str image_user: user to connect to the instance via ssh :param str security_group: security group to setup firewall rules :param str image: image id to launch instance with :param str flavor: machine type to launch instance :param str image_userdata: commands to execute after instance start :ivar instance_id: id of the node instance on the cloud :ivar preferred_ip: IP address used to connect to the node. :ivar ips: list of all the IPs defined for this node. """ def __init__(self, name, cluster_name, kind, cloud_provider, user_key_public, user_key_private, user_key_name, image_user, security_group, image_id, flavor, image_userdata=None, ssh_proxy_command='', **extra): = name self.cluster_name = cluster_name self.kind = kind self._cloud_provider = cloud_provider self.user_key_public = user_key_public self.user_key_private = user_key_private self.user_key_name = user_key_name self.image_user = image_user self.security_group = security_group self.image_id = image_id self.image_userdata = image_userdata self.flavor = flavor self.ssh_proxy_command = ssh_proxy_command self.instance_id = extra.pop('instance_id', None) self.preferred_ip = extra.pop('preferred_ip', None) self.ips = extra.pop('ips', []) # Remove extra arguments, if defined for key in list(extra.keys()): if hasattr(self, key): del extra[key] self.extra = {} self.extra.update(extra.pop('extra', {})) self.extra.update(extra) def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__.update(state) if 'image_id' not in state and 'image' in state: state['image_id'] = state['image'] def __hash__(self): # FIXME: this is incorrect, since `DictMixin` (which is a # superclass of `Node`) implements `__eq__`; still, `__hash__ # = id` is what Python 2 does, and it has not broken # ElastiCluster so far... (But we should definitely # restructure the code!) See: # - # - return id(self)
[docs] def start(self): """ Start the node on the cloud using the given instance properties. This method is non-blocking: as soon as the node id is returned from the cloud provider, it will return. The `is_alive`:meth: and `update_ips`:meth: methods should be used to further gather details about the state of the node. """"Starting node `%s` from image `%s` with flavor %s ...",, self.image_id, self.flavor) vm_data = self._cloud_provider.start_instance( self.user_key_name, self.user_key_public, self.user_key_private, self.security_group, self.flavor, self.image_id, self.image_userdata, self.cluster_name, username=self.image_user, node_name=("%s-%s" % (self.cluster_name,, **self.extra) if vm_data: assert 'instance_id' in vm_data self.update(vm_data) log.debug("Node `%s` has instance ID `%s`",, self.instance_id) else: raise InstanceError("Could not start node `{0}`" .format(
[docs] def stop(self, wait=False): """ Terminate the VM instance launched on the cloud for this specific node. """ if self.instance_id is not None:"Shutting down node `%s` (VM instance `%s`) ...",, self.instance_id) self._cloud_provider.stop_instance(self) if wait: while self.is_alive(): time.sleep(1) # When an instance is terminated, the EC2 cloud provider will # basically return it as "running" state. Setting the # `instance_id` attribute to None will force `is_alive()` # method not to check with the cloud provider, and forever # forgetting about the instance id. self.instance_id = None
[docs] def pause(self): """ Pause the VM instance and return the info needed to restart it. """ if self.instance_id is None: raise ValueError("Trying to stop unstarted node.") resp = self._cloud_provider.pause_instance(self.instance_id) self.preferred_ip = None return resp
[docs] def is_alive(self): """Checks if the current node is up and running in the cloud. It only checks the status provided by the cloud interface. Therefore a node might be running, but not yet ready to ssh into it. """ running = False if not self.instance_id: return False try: log.debug("Getting information for instance %s", self.instance_id) running = self._cloud_provider.is_instance_running( self.instance_id) except Exception as ex: log.debug("Ignoring error while looking for vm id %s: %s", self.instance_id, str(ex)) if running: log.debug("node `%s` (instance id %s) is up.",, self.instance_id) self.update_ips() else: log.debug("node `%s` (instance id `%s`) still building...",, self.instance_id) return running
[docs] def connection_ip(self): """Returns the IP to be used to connect to this node. If the instance has a public IP address, then this is returned, otherwise, its private IP is returned. """ return self.preferred_ip
[docs] def connect(self, keyfile=None, timeout=5): """ Connect to the node via SSH. :param keyfile: Path to the SSH host key. :param timeout: Maximum time to wait (in seconds) for the TCP connection to be established. :return: :py:class:`paramiko.SSHClient` - ssh connection or None on failure """ ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) if keyfile and os.path.exists(keyfile): ssh.load_host_keys(keyfile) # Try connecting using the `preferred_ip`, if # present. Otherwise, try all of them and set `preferred_ip` # using the first that is working. ips = self.ips[:] # This is done in order to "sort" the IPs and put the preferred_ip first. if self.preferred_ip: if self.preferred_ip in ips: ips.remove(self.preferred_ip) else: # Preferred is changed? log.debug( "IP address %s does not seem to belong to %s anymore." " Ignoring it.", self.preferred_ip, self.preferred_ip = ips[0] for ip in itertools.chain([self.preferred_ip], ips): if not ip: continue log.debug( "Trying to connect to host %s using IP address %s ...",, ip) try: addr, port = parse_ip_address_and_port(ip, SSH_PORT) extra = { 'allow_agent': True, 'key_filename': self.user_key_private, 'look_for_keys': False, 'timeout': timeout, 'username': self.image_user, } if self.ssh_proxy_command: proxy_command = expand_ssh_proxy_command( self.ssh_proxy_command, self.image_user, addr, port) from paramiko.proxy import ProxyCommand extra['sock'] = ProxyCommand(proxy_command) log.debug("Using proxy command `%s`.", proxy_command) ssh.connect(str(addr), port=port, **extra) log.debug( "Connection to %s succeeded on port %d," " will use this IP address for future connections.", ip, port) if ip != self.preferred_ip: self.preferred_ip = ip # Connection successful. return ssh except socket.error as ex: log.debug( "Host %s (%s) not reachable within %d seconds: %s -- %r",, ip, timeout, ex, type(ex)) except paramiko.BadHostKeyException as ex: log.error( "Invalid SSH host key for %s (%s): %s.",, ip, ex) except paramiko.SSHException as ex: log.debug( "Ignoring error connecting to %s: %s -- %r",, ex, type(ex)) except ValueError as err: msg = str(err) if msg.startswith("q must be exactly") or msg.startswith("p must be exactly"): # warn and continue, this is just Paramiko mistakenly using an RSA # key as DSA one, see: warn( "The configured SSH private RSA key file `{0}`" " can also be mistakenly read as a DSA key file." " If you run into SSH connection problems, use" " a different key.") else: raise return None
[docs] def update_ips(self): """Retrieves the public and private ip of the instance by using the cloud provider. In some cases the public ip assignment takes some time, but this method is non blocking. To check for a public ip, consider calling this method multiple times during a certain timeout. """ self.ips = self._cloud_provider.get_ips(self.instance_id) if self.preferred_ip not in self.ips: self.preferred_ip = None return self.ips[:]
def __str__(self): ips = ', '.join(ip for ip in self.ips if ip) return ("name=`{name}`, id=`{id}`," " ips=[{ips}], connection_ip=`{preferred_ip}`" .format(, id=self.instance_id, ips=ips, preferred_ip=self.preferred_ip))
[docs] def to_dict(self, omit=()): """ Return a (shallow) copy of self cast to a dictionary, optionally omitting some key/value pairs. """ result = dict(self) for key in omit: if key in result: del result[key] return result
[docs] def to_vars_dict(self): """ Return local state which is relevant to the cluster setup process. """ return self.to_dict(omit=[ '_cloud_provider', 'ssh_proxy_command', 'cluster_name', 'user_key_public', 'user_key_private', ])
[docs] def pprint(self): """Pretty print information about the node. :return: str - representaion of a node in pretty print """ ips = ', '.join(ip for ip in self.ips if ip) return """%s connection IP: %s IPs: %s instance id: %s instance flavor: %s""" % (, self.preferred_ip, ips, self.instance_id, self.flavor)
[docs] def keys(self): """Only expose some of the attributes when using as a dictionary""" keys = Struct.keys(self) keys.remove('_cloud_provider') return keys