Source code for elasticluster.providers.openstack

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-#
# Copyright (C) 2013, 2015, 2018-2019 University of Zurich.
# Copyright (C) 2020 ETH Zurich.
# Copyright (C) 2022 Google LLC.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'
__author__ = ', '.join([
    'Antonio Messina <>',
    'Riccardo Murri <>'

# stdlib imports
from builtins import range
from builtins import object
import os
import threading
from warnings import warn
from time import sleep

# External modules

# handle missing OpenStack libraries in Python 2.6: delay ImportError until actually
# used but raise a warning in the meantime; since we pinned the 2.6 dependencies
# to the pre-3.0.0 release, everything *should* work with just the "nova" API.
class _Unavailable(object):
    def __init__(self, missing):
        self.__missing = missing
    def Client(self, *args, **kwargs):
        warn("Trying to initialize `{module}` which is not available."
             " A placeholder object will be used instead, but it will raise"
             " `ImportError` later if there is any actual attempt at using it."
        class _Unavailable(object):
            def __init__(self, missing):
                self.__missing = missing
            def __getattr__(self, name):
                return self
            def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
                raise ImportError(
                    "Trying to actually use client class from module `{module}`"
                    " which could not be imported. Aborting."
        return _Unavailable(self.__missing)

import keystoneauth1
    from glanceclient import client as glance_client
except ImportError:
    glance_client = _Unavailable('python-glanceclient')
    from neutronclient.v2_0 import client as neutron_client
    from neutronclient.common.exceptions import BadRequest as BadNeutronRequest
except ImportError:
    neutron_client = _Unavailable('python-neutronclient')
    class BadNeutronRequest(Exception):
        """Placeholder to avoid syntax errors."""
from cinderclient import client as cinder_client
from novaclient import client as nova_client
from novaclient.exceptions import NotFound

from paramiko import DSSKey, RSAKey, PasswordRequiredException
from paramiko.ssh_exception import SSHException

# Elasticluster imports
from elasticluster import log
from elasticluster.utils import fingerprint_str, memoize
from elasticluster.providers import AbstractCloudProvider
from elasticluster.exceptions import (

# these defaults should be kept in sync w/ ``
DEFAULT_OS_NETWORK_API_VERSION='2.0'  # no choice as of Aug. 2017

_NO_DEFAULT = object()
Special value used in `_get_os_config_value` to indicate that a
value *must* be provided.

[docs]class OpenStackCloudProvider(AbstractCloudProvider): """ This implementation of :py:class:`elasticluster.providers.AbstractCloudProvider` uses the OpenStack native python bindings to connect to OpenStack clouds and manage instances. :param str username: username of the keystone user :param str password: password of the keystone user :param str project_name: name of the project to use :param str user_domain_name: name of the user domain to use :param str project_domain_name: name of the project domain to use :param str auth_url: url of keystone endpoint :param str region: OpenStack region to use :param str storage_path: path to store temporary data :param bool request_floating_ip: Whether ip are assigned automatically `True` or floating ips have to be assigned manually `False` :param identity_api_version: What version of the Keystone API to use. Valid values are the strings `"v2"` or `"v3"`, or `None` (default, meaning try v3 first and fall-back to v2). :param cacert: Path to CA certificate bundle (for verifying HTTPS sessions) or ``None`` to use the systems' default. :param bool use_anti_affinity_groups: Place nodes of the a cluster in the same anti-affinity group. Parameters *username*, *password*, *user_domain_name*, *project_name*, *project_domain_name*, and *region_name* will be taken from the environment if not provided. Similarly, environmental variables can be used to set values for the preferred version of identity, compute, image, network, and volume API to use. In all these cases, any value explicitly passed to the constructor takes precedence over the corresponding environmental variable, which in turn takes precedence over the default value in the class (if any). """ __node_start_lock = threading.Lock() """ Lock used for node startup. """ _aaf_groups = {} """ Provider-wide map of cluster names to Anti-Affinity groups in use. """ OUT_OF_CAPACITY_ERRMSG = 'There are not enough hosts available.' """ Fault message from OpenStack API indicating AAF group full. """ def __init__(self, username=None, password=None, project_name=None, auth_url=None, user_domain_name="default", project_domain_name="default", region_name=None, availability_zone=None, storage_path=None, compute_api_version=DEFAULT_OS_COMPUTE_API_VERSION, image_api_version=DEFAULT_OS_IMAGE_API_VERSION, network_api_version=DEFAULT_OS_NETWORK_API_VERSION, volume_api_version=DEFAULT_OS_VOLUME_API_VERSION, # this can be auto-detected identity_api_version=None, # this is deprecated in favor of `compute_api_version` nova_api_version=None, cacert=None, # keep in sync w/ default in novaclient.Client() use_anti_affinity_groups=False, request_floating_ip=None, ## DEPRECATED, will be removed build_timeout=30, ): # OpenStack connection params self._os_auth_url = self._get_os_config_value('auth URL', auth_url, ['OS_AUTH_URL']).rstrip('/') self._os_cacert = self._get_os_config_value('cacert', cacert, ['OS_CACERT'], default=None) self._os_username = self._get_os_config_value('user name', username, ['OS_USERNAME']) self._os_user_domain_name = self._get_os_config_value('user domain name', user_domain_name, ['OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME'], 'default') self._os_password = self._get_os_config_value('password', password, ['OS_PASSWORD']) self._os_tenant_name = self._get_os_config_value('project name', project_name, ['OS_PROJECT_NAME', 'OS_TENANT_NAME']) self._os_project_domain_name = self._get_os_config_value('project domain name', project_domain_name, ['OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME'], 'default') self._os_region_name = self._get_os_config_value('region_name', region_name, ['OS_REGION_NAME'], '') self.availability_zone = availability_zone self.build_timeout = build_timeout # the OpenStack versioning mess if nova_api_version is not None: warn('Deprecated parameter `nova_api_version` given to OpenStackProvider;' ' use `compute_api_version` instead', DeprecationWarning) compute_api_version = nova_api_version self._compute_api_version = compute_api_version self._image_api_version = image_api_version self._network_api_version = network_api_version os_network_api_version = os.getenv('OS_NETWORK_API_VERSION', None) if (os_network_api_version and os_network_api_version != DEFAULT_OS_NETWORK_API_VERSION): warn("Environment variable OS_NETWORK_API_VERSION set," " but ElastiCluster does not support selecting" " the OpenStack Networking API (Neutron) version yet.", UserWarning) self._volume_api_version = volume_api_version self._identity_api_version = identity_api_version or self.__detect_os_identity_api_version() # these will be initialized later by `_init_os_api()` self.nova_client = None self.neutron_client = None self.glance_client = None self.cinder_client = None # local state self._instances = {} self._cached_instances = {} self.use_anti_affinity_groups = use_anti_affinity_groups if request_floating_ip is not None: warn('Deprecated parameter `request_floating_ip` given' ' to OpenStackProvider; place it in the cluster' ' or node configuration instead.', DeprecationWarning) self._request_floating_ip_default = request_floating_ip
[docs] def to_vars_dict(self): """ Return local state which is relevant for the cluster setup process. """ return { # connection data (= what is in the "openrc" file) 'os_auth_url': self._os_auth_url, 'os_cacert': (self._os_cacert or ''), 'os_password': self._os_password, 'os_project_domain_name': self._os_project_domain_name, 'os_region_name': self._os_region_name, 'os_tenant_name': self._os_tenant_name, 'os_user_domain_name': self._os_user_domain_name, 'os_username': self._os_username, # API versioning 'os_compute_api_version': self._compute_api_version, 'os_identity_api_version': self._identity_api_version, 'os_image_api_version': self._image_api_version, 'os_network_api_version': self._network_api_version, 'os_volume_api_version': self._volume_api_version, }
@staticmethod def _get_os_config_value(thing, value, varnames, default=_NO_DEFAULT): assert varnames, "List of env variable names cannot be empty" for varname in varnames: env_value = os.getenv(varname, None) if env_value is not None: if value is not None and env_value != value: warn("OpenStack {thing} is present both in the environment" " and the config file. Environment variable {varname}" " takes precedence, but this may change in the future." .format(thing=thing, varname=varname), FutureWarning) else: log.debug('OpenStack %s taken from env variable %s', thing, varname) return env_value if value: return value elif default is _NO_DEFAULT: # first variable name is preferred; others are for backwards-compatibility only raise RuntimeError( "There is no default value for OpenStack {0};" " please specify one in the config file" " or using environment variable {1}." .format(thing, varnames[0])) else: return default def _init_os_api(self): """ Initialise client objects for talking to OpenStack API. This is in a separate function so to be called by ``__init__`` and ``__setstate__``. """ if not self.nova_client: log.debug("Initializing OpenStack API clients:" " OS_AUTH_URL='%s'" " OS_USERNAME='%s'" " OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME='%s'" " OS_PROJECT_NAME='%s'" " OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME='%s'" " OS_REGION_NAME='%s'" " OS_CACERT='%s'" "", self._os_auth_url, self._os_username, self._os_user_domain_name, self._os_tenant_name, self._os_project_domain_name, self._os_region_name, (self._os_cacert or '')) sess = self.__init_keystone_session() log.debug("Creating OpenStack Compute API (Nova) v%s client ...", self._compute_api_version) self.nova_client = nova_client.Client( self._compute_api_version, session=sess, region_name=self._os_region_name, cacert=self._os_cacert) log.debug("Creating OpenStack Network API (Neutron) client ...") self.neutron_client = neutron_client.Client( #self._network_api_version, ## doesn't work as of Neutron Client 2 :-( session=sess, region_name=self._os_region_name, ca_cert=self._os_cacert) # FIXME: Glance's `Client` class does not take an explicit # `cacert` parameter, instead it relies on the `session` # argument being "A keystoneauth1 session that should be # used for transport" -- I presume this means that # `cacert` only needs to be set there. Is this true of # other OpenStack client classes as well? log.debug("Creating OpenStack Image API (Glance) v%s client ...", self._image_api_version) self.glance_client = glance_client.Client( self._image_api_version, session=sess, region_name=self._os_region_name) log.debug("Creating OpenStack Volume API (Cinder) v%s client ...", self._volume_api_version) self.cinder_client = cinder_client.Client( self._volume_api_version, session=sess, region_name=self._os_region_name, cacert=self._os_cacert) def __init_keystone_session(self): """Create and return a Keystone session object.""" api = self._identity_api_version # for readability tried = [] if api in ['3', None]: sess = self.__init_keystone_session_v3(check=(api is None)) tried.append('v3') if sess: return sess if api in ['2', None]: sess = self.__init_keystone_session_v2(check=(api is None)) tried.append('v2') if sess: return sess raise RuntimeError( "Cannot establish Keystone session (tried: {0})." .format(', '.join(tried))) def __init_keystone_session_v2(self, check=False): """Create and return a session object using Keystone API v2.""" from keystoneauth1 import loading as keystone_v2 loader = keystone_v2.get_plugin_loader('password') auth = loader.load_from_options( auth_url=self._os_auth_url, username=self._os_username, password=self._os_password, project_name=self._os_tenant_name, ) sess = keystoneauth1.session.Session(auth=auth, verify=self._os_cacert) if check: log.debug("Checking that Keystone API v2 session works...") try: # if session is invalid, the following will raise some exception nova = nova_client.Client(self._compute_api_version, session=sess, cacert=self._os_cacert) nova.flavors.list() except keystoneauth1.exceptions.NotFound as err: log.warning("Creating Keystone v2 session failed: %s", err) return None except keystoneauth1.exceptions.ClientException as err: log.error("OpenStack server rejected request (likely configuration error?): %s", err) return None # FIXME: should we be raising an error instead? # if we got to this point, v2 session is valid"Using Keystone API v2 session to authenticate to OpenStack") return sess def __init_keystone_session_v3(self, check=False): """ Return a new session object, created using Keystone API v3. .. note:: Note that the only supported authN method is password authentication; token or other plug-ins are not currently supported. """ try: # may fail on Python 2.6? from keystoneauth1.identity import v3 as keystone_v3 except ImportError: log.warning("Cannot load Keystone API v3 library.") return None auth = keystone_v3.Password( auth_url=self._os_auth_url, username=self._os_username, password=self._os_password, user_domain_name=self._os_user_domain_name, project_domain_name=self._os_project_domain_name, project_name=self._os_tenant_name, ) sess = keystoneauth1.session.Session(auth=auth, verify=self._os_cacert) if check: log.debug("Checking that Keystone API v3 session works...") try: # if session is invalid, the following will raise some exception nova = nova_client.Client(self._compute_api_version, session=sess) nova.flavors.list() except keystoneauth1.exceptions.NotFound as err: log.warning("Creating Keystone v3 session failed: %s", err) return None except keystoneauth1.exceptions.ClientException as err: log.error("OpenStack server rejected request (likely configuration error?): %s", err) return None # FIXME: should we be raising an error instead? # if we got to this point, v3 session is valid"Using Keystone API v3 session to authenticate to OpenStack") return sess def __detect_os_identity_api_version(self): """ Return preferred OpenStack Identity API version (either one of the two strings ``'2'`` or ``'3'``) or ``None``. The following auto-detection strategies are tried (in this order): #. Read the environmental variable `OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION` and check if its value is one of the two strings ``'2'`` or ``'3'``; #. Check if a version tag like ``/v3`` or ``/v2.0`` ends the OpenStack auth URL. If none of the above worked, return ``None``. For more information on ``OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION``, please see `<>`_. """ ver = os.getenv('OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION', '') if ver == '3': log.debug( "Using OpenStack Identity API v3" " because of environmental variable setting `OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION=3`") return '3' elif ver == '2' or ver.startswith('2.'): log.debug( "Using OpenStack Identity API v2" " because of environmental variable setting `OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION=2`") return '2' elif self._os_auth_url.endswith('/v3'): log.debug( "Using OpenStack Identity API v3 because of `/v3` ending in auth URL;" " set environmental variable OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION to force use of Identity API v2 instead.") return '3' elif self._os_auth_url.endswith('/v2.0'): log.debug( "Using OpenStack Identity API v2 because of `/v2.0` ending in auth URL;" " set environmental variable OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION to force use of Identity API v3 instead.") return '2' else: # auto-detection failed, need to probe return None
[docs] def start_instance(self, key_name, public_key_path, private_key_path, security_group, flavor, image_id, image_userdata, cluster_name, username=None, node_name=None, **kwargs): """Starts a new instance on the cloud using the given properties. The following tasks are done to start an instance: * establish a connection to the cloud web service * check ssh keypair and upload it if it does not yet exist. This is a locked process, since this function might be called in multiple threads and we only want the key to be stored once. * check if the security group exists * run the instance with the given properties :param str key_name: name of the ssh key to connect :param str public_key_path: path to ssh public key :param str private_key_path: path to ssh private key :param str security_group: firewall rule definition to apply on the instance :param str flavor: machine type to use for the instance :param str image_id: image type (os) to use for the instance :param str image_userdata: command to execute after startup :param str username: username for the given ssh key, default None :return: str - instance id of the started instance """ self._init_os_api() max_wait = int(kwargs.get('max_wait', 300)) vm_start_args = {} if self.availability_zone: log.debug("Starting node `%s` in availability zone `%s`.", node_name, self.availability_zone) vm_start_args['availability_zone'] = self.availability_zone log.debug("Checking keypair `%s` ...", key_name) with OpenStackCloudProvider.__node_start_lock: self._check_keypair(key_name, public_key_path, private_key_path) vm_start_args['key_name'] = key_name security_groups = [sg.strip() for sg in security_group.split(',')] self._check_security_groups(security_groups) vm_start_args['security_groups'] = security_groups # Check if the image id is present. if image_id not in [ for img in self._get_images()]: raise ImageError( "No image found with ID `{0}` in project `{1}` of cloud {2}" .format(image_id, self._os_tenant_name, self._os_auth_url)) vm_start_args['userdata'] = image_userdata # Check if the flavor exists flavors = [fl for fl in self._get_flavors() if == flavor] if not flavors: raise FlavorError( "No flavor found with name `{0}` in project `{1}` of cloud {2}" .format(flavor, self._os_tenant_name, self._os_auth_url)) flavor = flavors[0] availability_zone = kwargs.pop('availability_zone','') vm_start_args['availability_zone']=availability_zone network_ids = [net_id.strip() for net_id in kwargs.pop('network_ids', '').split(',')] if network_ids: nics = [{'net-id': net_id, 'v4-fixed-ip': ''} for net_id in network_ids ] log.debug("Specifying networks for node %s: %s", node_name, ', '.join([nic['net-id'] for nic in nics])) else: nics = None vm_start_args['nics'] = nics if 'boot_disk_size' in kwargs: # check if the backing volume is already there volume_name = '{name}-{id}'.format(name=node_name, id=image_id) if volume_name in self._get_volumes(): raise ImageError( "Volume `{0}` already exists in project `{1}` of cloud {2}" .format(volume_name, self._os_tenant_name, self._os_auth_url))'Creating volume `%s` to use as VM disk ...', volume_name) try: bds = int(kwargs['boot_disk_size']) if bds < 1: raise ValueError('non-positive int') except (ValueError, TypeError): raise ConfigurationError( "Invalid `boot_disk_size` specified:" " should be a positive integer, got {0} instead" .format(kwargs['boot_disk_size'])) volume = self.cinder_client.volumes.create( size=bds, name=volume_name, imageRef=image_id, volume_type=kwargs.pop('boot_disk_type')) # wait for volume to come up waited = 0 while waited < max_wait: volumes = self._get_volumes() if (volume_name in volumes and volumes[volume_name].status == 'available'): break sleep(1) # FIXME: hard-coded waiting time waited += 1 if waited >= max_wait: raise RuntimeError( "Volume `{0}` (ID: {1}) didn't come up in {2:d} seconds" .format(volume_name,, max_wait)) # ok, use volume as VM disk vm_start_args['block_device_mapping'] = { # FIXME: is it possible that `vda` is not the boot disk? e.g. if # a non-paravirtualized kernel is being used? should we allow # to set the boot device as an image parameter? 'vda': ('{id}:::{delete_on_terminate}' .format(, delete_on_terminate=1)), } result = None retry = 2 # FIXME: should this be configurable? while retry > 0: retry -= 1 if self.use_anti_affinity_groups: # create a server anti-affinity group, spawn hosts in the # group until it's full and then create a new group aaf_group = self._get_aaf_group(cluster_name) group_id, group_name, req_handle = aaf_group.get() vm_start_args['scheduler_hints'] = { 'group' : group_id } in_group_msg = (' in group {0}'.format(group_name)) else: # still need to define this for logging in_group_msg = '' # due to some `nova_client.servers.create()` implementation weirdness, # the first three args need to be spelt out explicitly and cannot be # conflated into `**vm_start_args` vm = self.nova_client.servers.create(node_name, image_id, flavor, **vm_start_args) log.debug( "Attempting to start VM instance `%s` (%s)%s ...",,, in_group_msg) self._wait_for_status(vm, ["ACTIVE", "ERROR"], self.build_timeout) if vm.status == 'ACTIVE': log.debug("Started VM instance `%s` (%s)",, result = { 'instance_id': } if self.use_anti_affinity_groups: result['anti_affinity_group_id'] = group_id break # out of `while retry > 0:` elif vm.status == 'ERROR': if (self.use_anti_affinity_groups # FIXME: is there a better way to determine the # cause of the error than parsing the fault message? and self._get_fault_message(vm) == self.OUT_OF_CAPACITY_ERRMSG): log.debug( "Got 'not enough hosts available' error message;" " assuming group %s(%s) is full and retrying" " with new anti-affinity group.", group_name, group_id) aaf_group.full(req_handle) log.warning( ("Could not start VM instance `%s` (%s)%s: %s" " Deleting it."),,, in_group_msg, self._get_fault_message(vm) or 'unspecified error') self.nova_client.servers.delete( else: # VM still building? log.warning( ("VM instance `%s` (%s) not yet ACTIVE after %d-seconds timeout." " Deleting it."),,, self.build_timeout) self.nova_client.servers.delete( # allocate and attach a floating IP, if requested request_floating_ip = kwargs.get( 'request_floating_ip', self._request_floating_ip_default) if request_floating_ip: # wait for server to come up (otherwise floating IP can't be associated)"Waiting for VM instance `%s` (%s) to come up ...", node_name, waited = 0 while waited < max_wait: if vm.status == 'ACTIVE': break if vm.status == 'ERROR': raise RuntimeError( "Failed to start VM {0}:" " OpenStack scheduling error." .format( vm = self.nova_client.servers.get( # FIXME: Configurable poll interval sleep(3) waited += 3 if waited >= max_wait: raise RuntimeError( "VM {0} didn't come up in {1:d} seconds" .format(, max_wait)) # We need to list the floating IPs for this instance try: # python-novaclient <8.0.0 floating_ips = [ip for ip in self.nova_client.floating_ips.list() if ip.instance_id ==] except AttributeError: floating_ips = ( self.neutron_client .list_floatingips( .get('floating_ips', [])) # allocate new floating IP if none given if not floating_ips: if 'floating_network_id' in kwargs: floating_networks = [kwargs.pop('floating_network_id')] else: floating_networks = network_ids[:] ip_addr = self._allocate_address(vm, floating_networks) log.debug("VM `%s` was allocated floating IP: %r",, ip_addr) else: log.debug("VM `%s` already allocated floating IPs: %r",, floating_ips) self._instances[] = vm return result
[docs] def stop_instance(self, node): """ Destroy a VM. :param Node node: A `Node`:class: instance. """ self._init_os_api() instance = self._load_instance(node.instance_id) instance.delete() anti_affinity_group = node['extra'].get('anti_affinity_group_id', None) if anti_affinity_group: # FIXME: OpenStack happily deletes a server group even if # there are servers in it, so the current code has a flaw # in that we can delete an entire server group by removing # only one node -- so resizing down then up may result in # nodes being incorrectly distributed w.r.t. to affinity. try: self.nova_client.server_groups.delete(anti_affinity_group) except NotFound: pass return self._instances.pop(node.instance_id, None)
[docs] def resume_instance(self, instance_state): raise NotImplementedError("This provider does not (yet) support pause / resume logic.")
[docs] def pause_instance(self, instance_id): raise NotImplementedError("This provider does not (yet) support pause / resume logic.")
[docs] def get_ips(self, instance_id): """Retrieves all IP addresses associated to a given instance. :return: tuple (IPs) """ self._init_os_api() instance = self._load_instance(instance_id) try: ip_addrs = set([self.floating_ip]) except AttributeError: ip_addrs = set([]) for ip_addr in sum(instance.networks.values(), []): ip_addrs.add(ip_addr) log.debug("VM `%s` has IP addresses %r", instance_id, ip_addrs) return list(ip_addrs)
[docs] def is_instance_running(self, instance_id): """Checks if the instance is up and running. :param str instance_id: instance identifier :return: bool - True if running, False otherwise """ self._init_os_api() # Here, it's always better if we update the instance. instance = self._load_instance(instance_id, force_reload=True) return instance.status == 'ACTIVE'
# Protected methods def _wait_for_status(self, vm, accepted_statuses, attempts): for i in range(attempts): vm.get() if vm.status in accepted_statuses: break sleep(1) def _get_aaf_group(self, cluster): with self.__node_start_lock: if cluster not in self._aaf_groups: self._aaf_groups[cluster] = self.AntiAffinityGroup( self.nova_client, ('elasticluster.{}'.format(cluster))) return self._aaf_groups[cluster]
[docs] class AntiAffinityGroup(object): """ Interface to OpenStack's Anti-Affinity Groups. A single instance of this class should manage all the AAf groups for a cluster. Use like this: 1. Initialise class with a unique string; as the list of AAF groups used by a cluster is not persisted, the unique string is used as a marker for recovering the managed groups from OpenStack's list. 2. Prior to starting a node ("creating a server" in OpenStack's language), call :meth:`get` which returns the group ID and a a *request handle*. 3. If node creation fails because the AAF group has no more slots available, then call :meth:`full` passing the request handle and try again. This approach is needed because we cannot probe for 'available slots' in a AAF group: the only way to find out if a server can be added to an AAF group is to actually try to start it. The code is thread-safe and can be called concurrently; requests handles are the mechanism used to make sure that new groups are created only when actually needed. """ _lock = threading.RLock() """ Class-shared re-entrant lock to ensure only one thread uses the `server_groups.create()` call. """ def __init__(self, nova_client, prefix): self._do = nova_client.server_groups self._prefix = prefix self._req_token = 0 self._reset_token = 0 groups = self.__list() if not groups: self._index = 0 self.__new() else: # determine highest-numbered AAf group self._index = 0 for group in groups: tail ='.')[-1] try: i = int(tail) if i > self._index: self._index = i self._group = group except ValueError: log.warning( "Ignoring server group `%s` (%s)," " as it does not seem to have been created by ElastiCluster:" " tail part `%s` is not a number.",,, tail)
[docs] def delete_all(self): """ Delete all anti-affinity groups with the given prefix. """ group_ids = { for group in self.__list() } # in principle, `self._list()` can return groups that # start with the given prefix but were not created by # ElastiCluster (see above) -- so delete only the groups # that match our `prefix.index` pattern (even in this case # we could be deleting too much, but there's no notion of # the "creator" of a group) for index in range(self._index): name = self.__name(index) try: group_id = group_ids[name] self._do.delete(group_id) except KeyError: continue except Exception as err: # pylint: disable=broad-except "Ignoring error deleting group `%s` (%s): %s", name, group_id, err) continue
[docs] def full(self, req_handle): """ Signal that the group associated to the given request cannot If the group is still in active use, force next call to `.get()` to create a new group; otherwise, this is a no-op. """ if req_handle >= self._reset_token: with self._lock: self._req_token += 1 self.__new() self._reset_token = self._req_token
[docs] def get(self): """ Return current AAF group ID and name. """ with self._lock: self._req_token += 1 return,, self._req_token
def __list(self): """ Return list of anti-affinity groups matching the given prefix. """ return [ group for group in self._do.list() if ( # ensure `'.')` has >0 elements and '.' in and # depending on the Nova API version, we might # get a response with `group.policy` (a string) # or `group.policies` (list of str) attributes ('anti-affinity' in getattr(group, 'policies', []) or ('anti-affinity' == getattr(group, 'policy', '')))) ] def __name(self, index=None): """ Return name of group with the given prefix and index. If optional argument *index* is not given, the current value of `self._index` is used. Value for the prefix always comes from the prefix specified at construction time. """ return ( '{prefix}.{index}' .format( prefix=self._prefix, index=(index if index is not None else self._index), )) def __new(self): """ Create new anti-affinity group. """ # needs re-entrant lock because of use in `self.full()` with self._lock: self._index += 1 self._group = self._do.create( name=self.__name(), policies='anti-affinity')
def _check_keypair(self, name, public_key_path, private_key_path): """First checks if the keypair is valid, then checks if the keypair is registered with on the cloud. If not the keypair is added to the users ssh keys. :param str name: name of the ssh key :param str public_key_path: path to the ssh public key file :param str private_key_path: path to the ssh private key file :raises: `KeypairError` if key is not a valid RSA or DSA key, the key could not be uploaded or the fingerprint does not match to the one uploaded to the cloud. """ self._init_os_api() # Read key. We do it as first thing because we need it either # way, to check the fingerprint of the remote keypair if it # exists already, or to create a new keypair. pkey = None try: pkey = DSSKey.from_private_key_file(private_key_path) except PasswordRequiredException: warn("Unable to check key file `{0}` because it is encrypted with a " "password. Please, ensure that you added it to the SSH agent " "with `ssh-add {1}`" .format(private_key_path, private_key_path)) except SSHException: try: pkey = RSAKey.from_private_key_file(private_key_path) except PasswordRequiredException: warn("Unable to check key file `{0}` because it is encrypted with a " "password. Please, ensure that you added it to the SSH agent " "with `ssh-add {1}`" .format(private_key_path, private_key_path)) except SSHException: raise KeypairError('File `%s` is neither a valid DSA key ' 'or RSA key.' % private_key_path) try: # Check if a keypair `name` exists on the cloud. keypair = self.nova_client.keypairs.get(name) # Check if it has the correct keypair, but only if we can read the local key if pkey: pkey_fingerprint = fingerprint_str(pkey) if pkey_fingerprint != keypair.fingerprint: raise KeypairError( "Keypair `%s` is present but has " "different fingerprint. Aborting!" % name) else: warn("Unable to check if the keypair is using the correct key.") except NotFound: log.warning( "Keypair `%s` not found on resource `%s`, Creating a new one", name, self._os_auth_url) # Create a new keypair with open(os.path.expanduser(public_key_path)) as f: key_material = try: self.nova_client.keypairs.create(name, key_material) except Exception as ex: log.error( "Could not import key `%s` with name `%s` to `%s`", name, public_key_path, self._os_auth_url) raise KeypairError( "could not create keypair `%s`: %s" % (name, ex)) def _check_security_groups(self, names): """ Raise an exception if any of the named security groups does not exist. :param List[str] groups: List of security group names :raises: `SecurityGroupError` if group does not exist """ self._init_os_api() log.debug("Checking existence of security group(s) %s ...", names) try: # python-novaclient < 8.0.0 security_groups = self.nova_client.security_groups.list() existing = set( for sg in security_groups) except AttributeError: security_groups = self.neutron_client.list_security_groups()['security_groups'] existing = set(sg[u'name'] for sg in security_groups) # TODO: We should be able to create the security group if it # doesn't exist and at least add a rule to accept ssh access. # Also, we should be able to add new rules to a security group # if needed. nonexisting = set(names) - existing if nonexisting: raise SecurityGroupError( "Security group(s) `{0}` do not exist" .format(', '.join(nonexisting))) # if we get to this point, all sec groups exist return True @memoize(120) def _get_images(self): """Get available images. We cache the results in order to reduce network usage. """ self._init_os_api() try: # python-novaclient < 8.0.0 return self.nova_client.images.list() except AttributeError: # ``glance_client.images.list()`` returns a generator, but callers # of `._get_images()` expect a Python list return list(self.glance_client.images.list()) @staticmethod def _get_fault_message(vm): """ Given a novaclient's `server` object, return the error message associated with a fault, or ``None`` if there is no fault or no error message was returned by the OS API. """ try: return vm.fault['message'] except (AttributeError, KeyError): # no fault, or fault message unspecified return None def _get_volumes(self): """Return list of available volumes.""" self._init_os_api() return dict((, volume) for volume in self.cinder_client.volumes.list()) @memoize(120) def _get_flavors(self): """Get available flavors. We cache the results in order to reduce network usage. """ self._init_os_api() return self.nova_client.flavors.list() def _load_instance(self, instance_id, force_reload=True): """ Return instance with the given id. For performance reasons, the instance ID is first searched for in the collection of VM instances started by ElastiCluster (`self._instances`), then in the list of all instances known to the cloud provider at the time of the last update (`self._cached_instances`), and finally the cloud provider is directly queried. :param str instance_id: instance identifier :param bool force_reload: if ``True``, skip searching caches and reload instance from server and immediately reload instance data from cloud provider :return: py:class:`novaclient.v1_1.servers.Server` - instance :raises: `InstanceError` is returned if the instance can't be found in the local cache or in the cloud. """ self._init_os_api() if force_reload: try: # Remove from cache and get from server again vm = self.nova_client.servers.get(instance_id) except NotFound: raise InstanceNotFoundError( "Instance `{instance_id}` not found" .format(instance_id=instance_id)) # update caches self._instances[instance_id] = vm self._cached_instances[instance_id] = vm # if instance is known, return it if instance_id in self._instances: return self._instances[instance_id] # else, check (cached) list from provider if instance_id not in self._cached_instances: # Refresh the cache, just in case self._cached_instances = dict( (, vm) for vm in self.nova_client.servers.list()) if instance_id in self._cached_instances: inst = self._cached_instances[instance_id] self._instances[instance_id] = inst return inst # If we reached this point, the instance was not found neither # in the caches nor on the website. raise InstanceNotFoundError( "Instance `{instance_id}` not found" .format(instance_id=instance_id)) def _allocate_address(self, instance, network_ids): """ Allocates a floating/public ip address to the given instance, dispatching to either the Compute or Network API depending on installed packages. :param instance: instance to assign address to :param list network_id: List of IDs (as strings) of networks where to request allocation the floating IP. :return: public ip address """ log.debug( "Trying to allocate floating IP for VM `%s` on network(s) %r",, network_ids) try: # on python-novaclient>=8.0.0 this fails with # `AttributeError` since the `Client.floating_ips` # attribute has been removed return self._allocate_address_nova(instance, network_ids) except AttributeError: return self._allocate_address_neutron(instance, network_ids) def _allocate_address_nova(self, instance, network_ids): """ Allocates a floating/public ip address to the given instance, using the OpenStack Compute ('Nova') API. :param instance: instance to assign address to :param list network_id: List of IDs (as strings) of networks where to request allocation the floating IP. **Ignored** (only used by the corresponding Neutron API function). :return: public ip address """ self._init_os_api() with OpenStackCloudProvider.__node_start_lock: # Use the `novaclient` API (works with python-novaclient <8.0.0) free_ips = [ip for ip in self.nova_client.floating_ips.list() if not ip.fixed_ip] if not free_ips: log.debug("Trying to allocate a new floating IP ...") free_ips.append(self.nova_client.floating_ips.create()) if free_ips: ip = free_ips.pop() else: raise RuntimeError( "Could not allocate floating IP for VM {0}" .format(instance_id)) instance.add_floating_ip(ip) return ip.ip def _allocate_address_neutron(self, instance, network_ids): """ Allocates a floating/public ip address to the given instance, using the OpenStack Network ('Neutron') API. :param instance: instance to assign address to :param list network_id: List of IDs (as strings) of networks where to request allocation the floating IP. :return: public ip address """ self._init_os_api() with OpenStackCloudProvider.__node_start_lock: # Note: to return *all* addresses, all parameters to # `neutron_client.list_floatingips()` should be left out; # setting them to `None` (e.g., `fixed_ip_address=None`) # results in an empty list... free_ips = [ ip for ip in self.neutron_client.list_floatingips().get('floatingips') if (ip['floating_network_id'] in network_ids # keep only unallocated IP addrs and ip['fixed_ip_address'] is None and ip['port_id'] is None) ] if free_ips: floating_ip = free_ips.pop() log.debug("Using existing floating IP %r", floating_ip) else: # FIXME: OpenStack Network API v2 requires that we specify # a network ID along with the request for a floating IP. # However, ElastiCluster configuration allows for multiple # networks to be connected to a VM, but does not give any # hint as to which one(s) should be used for such requests. # So we try them all, ignoring errors until one request # succeeds and hope that it's OK. One can imagine # scenarios where this is *not* correct, but: (1) these # scenarios are unlikely, and (2) the old novaclient code # above has not even had the concept of multiple networks # for floating IPs and no-one has complained in 5 years... for network_id in network_ids: log.debug( "Trying to allocate floating IP on network %s ...", network_id) try: floating_ip = self.neutron_client.create_floatingip({ 'floatingip': { 'floating_network_id':network_id, }}).get('floatingip') log.debug( "Allocated IP address %s on network %s", floating_ip['floating_ip_address'], network_id) break # stop at first network where we get a floating IP except BadNeutronRequest as err: raise RuntimeError( "Failed allocating floating IP on network {0}: {1}" .format(network_id, err)) if floating_ip.get('floating_ip_address', None) is None: raise RuntimeError( "Could not allocate floating IP for VM {0}" .format(instance_id)) # wait until at least one interface is up interfaces = [] # FIXMEE: no timeout! while not interfaces: interfaces = instance.interface_list() sleep(2) ## FIXME: hard-coded value # get port ID for interface in interfaces: log.debug( "Instance %s (ID: %s):" " Checking if floating IP can be attached to interface %r ...",,, interface) # if interface.net_id not in network_ids: # log.debug( # "Instance %s (ID: %s):" # " Skipping interface %r:" # " not attached to any of the requested networks.", #,, interface) # continue port_id = interface.port_id if port_id is None: log.debug( "Instance %s (ID: %s):" " Skipping interface %r: no port ID!",,, interface) continue log.debug( "Instance `%s` (ID: %s):" " will assign floating IP to port ID %s (state: %s)," " already running IP addresses %r",,, port_id, interface.port_state, [item['ip_address'] for item in interface.fixed_ips]) if interface.port_state != 'ACTIVE': log.warn( "Instance `%s` (ID: %s):" " port `%s` is in state %s (epected 'ACTIVE' instead)",,, port_id, interface.port_state) break else: raise RuntimeError( "Could not find port on network(s) {0}" " for instance {1} (ID: {2}) to bind a floating IP to." .format(network_ids,, # assign floating IP to port floating_ip = self.neutron_client.update_floatingip( floating_ip['id'], { 'floatingip': { 'port_id': port_id, }, } ).get('floatingip') ip_address = floating_ip['floating_ip_address'] log.debug("Assigned IP address %s to port %s", ip_address, port_id)"Waiting 300s until floating IP %s is ACTIVE", ip_address) for i in range(300): _floating_ip = self.neutron_client.show_floatingip(floating_ip['id']) if _floating_ip['floatingip']['status'] != 'DOWN': break sleep(1) # Invalidate cache for this VM, as we just assigned a new IP if in self._cached_instances: del self._cached_instances[] return ip_address # Fix pickler def __getstate__(self): return {'auth_url': self._os_auth_url, 'username': self._os_username, 'password': self._os_password, 'project_name': self._os_tenant_name, 'project_domain_name': self._os_project_domain_name, 'user_domain_name': self._os_user_domain_name, 'region_name': self._os_region_name, 'request_floating_ip': self.request_floating_ip, 'instance_ids': list(self._instances.keys()), 'compute_api_version': self.compute_api_version, } def __setstate__(self, state): self._os_auth_url = state['auth_url'] self._os_username = state['username'] self._os_password = state['password'] self._os_tenant_name = state['project_name'] self._os_user_domain_name = state['user_domain_name'] self._os_project_domain_name = state['project_domain_name'] self._os_region_name = state['region_name'] self.request_floating_ip = state['request_floating_ip'] self._compute_api_version = state.get('compute_api_version', DEFAULT_COMPUTE_API_VERSION), self._identity_api_version = state.get('identity_api_version', DEFAULT_IDENTITY_API_VERSION), self._image_api_version = state.get('image_api_version', DEFAULT_IMAGE_API_VERSION), self._network_api_version = state.get('network_api_version', DEFAULT_NETWORK_API_VERSION), self._volume_api_version = state.get('volume_api_version', DEFAULT_VOLUME_API_VERSION), self._instances = {} self._cached_instances = {} # these will be initialized later by `_init_os_api()` self.nova_client = None self.neutron_client = None self.glance_client = None self.cinder_client = None